Consecrated 1st May 1915
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown
Meeting Dates: 3rd Monday Jan, Feb, Mar, May, June, Aug, Oct, Nov, Inst Jan
Contact 082 600 2839
Please also visit the Lodge Web Site
Lodge History

The first effort to form an Installed Masters' lodge in the District came in 1914, when a petition for such a lodge was signed by 36 Past Masters (including the District Grand Master, his Deputy and many senior brethren.) The primary purpose of the Lodge was to deal with questions relating to the ritual and regulations, while in addition papers would be read and lectures would be delivered on Craft matters generally.
Initially the Lodge thrived, and joining members brought the membership to 93 by 31 December 1915. By 1941, six District Grand Masters had passed through the chair but active interest flagged and in 1949 the Lodge's Charter was endorsed to enable it to function as an 'ordinary' lodge, and its name was changed to 'Witwatersrand.'
W Bro Leslie Wheal had joined the lodge after coming to South Africa and he went through the chair in 1952, adding a District Grand Master to be to the six who had already passed through the chair, and certainly making a District record.
In early years the Lodge met at the masonic hall at the comer of Rissik and Main Streets but later moved to Kerk Street, and then followed District to Park Lane.
The Lodge has had its ups and downs including a very lean period in the late seventies and the eighties. However more recently candidates and joining members have been coming forward and there is renewed interest and enthusiasm in the lodge, which augurs well for its future.
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler