The Provincial Grand Secretary  (Acting)
Agb.Bro. / Wor. Bro. David Roets
Posbus / PO Box   15640   Emerald Hill       6011
Tel: 000 000 0000  Cell: 082 736 2007
Email: secretaryeastcape@grandlodge.co.za

Provincial Grand Officers & Lodges of the Eastern Cape Division

Current Provincial Grand Officers of the Eastern Cape Division

  • Wor. Bro. K J Hutton       Acting Provincial Grand Master
  • Wor. Bro.  L E Wolsink    Assistant Provincial Grand Master
  • Wor. Bro.  M Beyleveld    PG Senior Warden
  • Wor. Bro.  R Handley       PG Junior Warden
  • Wor. Bro.  J Smit               PG Orator
  • Wor. Bro.  D Roets           PG Secretary  (Acting)
  • Wor. Bro.   N van Vuuren  PG Treasurer
  • Wor. Bro.   D Roets          PG Master of Ceremonies
  • Wor. Bro.  M Hiles           PG First Preparator
  • Wor. Bro.  V Tabanelli  PG Almoner
  • Wor.Bro.   J Kruger         PG Ambassador
  • Wor. Bro.   G Fisher       PG Architect
  • Wor. Bro    W Kleu        PG Sword Bearer
  • Wor. Bro.   I Hetherington  PG Banner Bearer
  • Wor. Bro.   H Jorritsma  PG Director of Music
  • Wor. Bro.  K Kirwin         PG Inner Guard
  • Wor. Bro. P Prinsloo        PG Steward

Past Provincial Grand Masters of the Eastern Cape Division

2002   2014   Rt. W Bro.  J C Greyling  (Snr)

2014    2015   Rt. W Bro   J C Greyling   (Jnr)

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Location & Directions to the Eastern Cape Division Lodges

7 lodges

Click here to view a list of the Lodges

7 lodges

Meeting day & Meeting week, for Eastern Cape Division

de Vereeniging No.3

Founded: 1834

Regular meetings are held in Graaf Reinet on the 2nd Friday of the month. The installation is held in September.

Location: Graaf Reinet

Wor. Master: Agb. Br. P P J Prinsloo
Tel:082 323 5403
Email: devereenigingWM@grandlodge.co.za

Secretary: Bro D van Rensburg
Tel:  082 510 5400
Email: devereeniging@grandlodge.co.za

Fidelity No.34

Founded: 1925

Regular meetings are held in Port Elizabeth on the 3rd Monday of the month. The installation is held in October.

Location: Port Elizabeth

Wor. Master: Wor Bro D Roets
 082 749 7068

Secretary: Wor Bro D N Fisher
Tel: 083 357 2202

Milton No.49

Founded: 1936

Regular meetings are held in Queenstown on the 3rd Thursday of the month. The installation is held in May.

Location: Queenstown

Wor. Master: Wor Bro Milford Whale
 045 839 4144

Secretary: Wor Bro Solomon Ferreira
Tel: 082 815 7676

Royal Protea No.55

Founded: 1948

Regular meetings are held in East London on the 4th Thursday of the month. The installation is held in November.

Location: East London

Wor. Master: Wor Bro Louis Wolsink
Tel: 083 557 7807
Email: royalproteaWM@grandlodge.co.za

Secretary: Wor Bro Vic Tabanelli
Tel: 084 811 8909
Email: royalprotea@grandlodge.co.za

Bartholomeus Diaz No.72

Founded: 1954

Regular meetings are held in Port Elizabeth on the 4th Wednesday of the month. The installation is held in May.

Location: Port Elizabeth

Wor. Master: Wor Br0 Walter Klue
Tel: 083 453 5900
Email: bartholomeusdiazWM@grandlodge.co.za

Secretary: Wor Bro Nowellyn van Vuuren
Tel: 083 453 5900
Email: bartholomeusdiaz@grandlodge.co.za

Tolerance No. 142

Founded: 2015
Regular meetings are held in Port Elizabeth on the1st Monday of the month. The installation is held in June .

Location: Port Elizabeth

Wor. Master: W Bro. R A Handley
 082 862 5804
Email: toleranceWM@grandlodge.co.za

Secretary: Bro. P West
Tel: 084 531 4037
Email: tolerance@grandlodge.co.za