Provincial Grand Secretary.
Seer Agb.Br. / Rt. Wor. Bro. E Cahill
The Secretary, Provincial Grand Lodge ED.
25 Hunt Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001.
Tel: 031 201 4428
Faks/Fax: 031 201 4428
Email: secretaryeastern@grandlodge.co.za
Provincial Grand Officers & Lodges of the Eastern Division
Current Provincial Grand Officers of the Eastern Division
- Rt Wor Bro Dr. F C A Roodt Provincial Grand Master
- Wor Bro B de Kock Dep. Provincial Grand Master
- Wor Bro W Murphy Assist. Provincial Grand Master
- W Bro AM van Rooyen PG Senior Warden
- W Bro R J vanRensburg PG Junior Warden
- W Bro B J de Kock PG Preceptor
- W Bro C T Potgieter PG Orator
- Rt W Bro E A Cahill PG Secretary
- W Bro R W Schreuder PG Treasurer
- W Bro W N Johnson PG Master of Ceremonies
- W Bro T V Neveling PG Assist. Master of Ceremonies
- W Bro D E Scholz PG First Preparator
- W Bro E R Verheijen PG Second Preparator
- Rt W Bro E A Cahill PG Almoner
- W Bro A T Clark PG Ambassador
- W Bro T J Harcus PG Architect
- W Bro F P Thompson PG Sword Bearer
- W Bro G L J Strydom PG Banner Bearer
- W Bro B G Hedges PG Director of Music
- W Bro P J Jones PG Inner Guard
- W Bro E C Rawstone PG Tyler
Past Provincial Grand Masters of the Eastern Division
Under the Grand Lodge of South Africa
- 1977 Dr. C. G. Hamilton OSM (Natal Division)
- 1981 H. R. France
- 1983 L. B. Marais
- 1987 A. A. R. Alexander OSM
- 1995 G. L. N. Schuitemaker OSM (Eastern Division)
- 2000 R. C. Hinrichs
- 2004 L J Fourie
- 2007 C J C Inggs
- 2011 F M V Muhlenbeck
Location & Directions to the Eastern Division Lodges
Click here to view a list of the Lodges
Meeting day & Meeting week for Eastern Division
Neerlandia No.31
Founded: 1922 Regular meetings are held at 25 Hunt Road, Durban on the 1st March/June/August/October Wednesday of the month. The installation is held in June. Location: 25 Hunt Road, Durban
Wor. Master: Rt W Bro F M V Muhlenbeck
Tel: 082 451 5057
Email: neerlandiaWM@grandlodge.co.za
Secretary: R W Schreuder
Tel: 082 786 1410
Email: neerlandia@grandlodge.co.za
Dromedaris No.77
Founded: 1957 Regular meetings are held in Pietermaritzburg on the 2nd Thursday of the month. The installation is held in August. Location: Pietermaritzburg
Wor. Master: Deon Strydom Jr
Tel: 082 672 1788
Email: dromedarisWM@grandlodge.co.za
Secretary: Mathew (Bushy) McKelvey
Tel: 081 813 7975
Email: dromedaris@grandlodge.co.za
Theophilus No.107
Founded: 1971
Regular meetings are held in Margate on the 2nd Monday of the month. The installation is held in July.
Location: Margate
Wor. Master: Eric Scholtz
Tel: 083 455 9651
Email: theophilusWM@grandlodge.co.za
Secretary: Charles J C Inggs
Tel: 083 748 6304
Email: theophilus@grandlodge.co.za
Meerensee No.118
Founded: 1975 Regular meetings are held in Empangeni on the 3rd Thursday of the month. The installation is held in April. Location: Empangeni
Wor. Master: W Murphy
Tel: 083 447 5645
Email: meerenseeWM@grandlodge.co.za
Secretary: Rt W Dr F C A Roodt
Tel: 082 553 3819
Email: meerensee@grandlodge.co.za
Mngeni No.134
Founded: 1986 Regular meetings are held at 25 Hunt Rd, Durban on the 4th Thursday of the month. The installation is held in February. Location: Hunt Rd, Durban
Wor. Master: P J Jones
Tel: 082 962 1062
Email: mngeniWM@grandlodge.co.za
Secretary: R W (Rodney) Schreuder
Tel: 082 786 1410
Email: mngeni@grandlodge.co.za
First United No.140
Founded: 2008 Regular meetings are held at 381 Berea Rd, Durban on the 1st Thursday of the month. The installation is held in October. Location: Berea Rd, Durban
Wor. Master: . Colin Matthee
Tel: 083 252 6966
Email: firstunitedWM@grandlodge.co.za
Secretary: Trevor Harcus
Tel:083 447 4062
Email: firstunited@grandlodge.co.za
Isandlwana No.141
Founded: 2013
Regular meetings are held in Durban on the 5th Wednesday of the month in Jan/March/June/September . The installation is held in June
Location: Durban
Wor. Master: D L Kirton
Tel: 083 626 5208
Email: isandlwanaWM@grandlodge.co.za
Secretary: F M V Muhlenbeck
Tel: 082 451 5057
Email: isandlwana@grandlodge.co.za