On Thursday the 11th of February Grand Master Dr William Babe met with The Western Australian Farmers Federation (WAFarmers) President Dale Park to present him with a cheque for $20, 000 which would be distributed between farmers in the fire affected zones. These funds were raised by West Australian Freemasons in support of those affected by the Esperance Fires late last year and this year’s Waroona-Harvey fires.
Freemasons have a strong presence in the wheat belt and country Western Australia with many of the Bushfire affected communities being home to Lodge Buildings and active groups of Freemasons. During the unfortunate devastation of the town of Yarloop, the Freemasons Lodge building in the main street somehow managed to escape the fires intact. The homes and businesses of the community at large including at least one Freemason member were not so fortunate and as such Freemasons WA have rallied together to support all those affected by these tragic fires as well as the devastating fires that ravaged the Esperance Community.
WAFarmers have coordinated two very successful relief appeals to assist the farmers affected by the Esperance and Waroona-Harvey fires. The appeals called for donations of feed, hay and seed millet to assist farmers with the recovery effort, and recorded donations from agricultural businesses across the state as well as public donations and support from those closer to the fire zones.
In addition, WAFarmers urged the public to donate much-needed cash towards both appeals through direct deposit, cheque and through dedicated GoFundMe pages.
In light of the great work WAFarmers have done to support all those affected by the fires Freemasons WA felt it was appropriate to donate the $20, 000 we raised directly to WA Farmers who are best placed to allocate these funds to where they are most needed, with each appeal to receive $10,000.
WAFarmers President Dale Park stated that cash was the most important donation that people could receive immediately following the fires, as the funds would go towards the purchase of critical farming equipment such as fencing, feed and polypipe. He added that as the full extent of the damage continued to be assessed, the distribution of funds from the WAFarmers Fire Appeals would ensure farmers in the affected areas would receive swift assistance.
Those wishing to donate can find the GoFundMe page for the most recent fires in Waroona-Harvey online at https://www.gofundme.com/8gx38ezg
During the presentation the Grand Master Dr William Babe spoke to Mr Park about Freemasons WA plans to establish a free emergency contact line that Freemasons can use in times of crisis to contact Grand Lodge for immediate support for themselves and their community.
Freemasons WA thanks the WAFarmers Federation for all of their excellent work and is proud to work alongside them in supporting those affected by these tragic fires.