The Library

LIBRARY1Very early in the history of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia, some interested Freemasons began putting together a collection of Masonic books for their own reference and study; as the number of volumes increased, they were housed at Grand Lodge in Hay Street. From those humble beginnings, the collection has grown and now boasts some 2000 books relevant to Masonic (and some non-Masonic) topics, ranging from ceremonial, history, educational, symbolism, ritual and a myriad of other subjects, to Masonic trivia and fiction.

In addition to books, the library houses an ever-growing collection of non-book material. These include: Installation programmes from every constituent lodge in Western Australia, most dating back to their consecrations, Quatuor Coronati Transactions and transactions of many Australian and overseas Lodges of Research, Proceedings of Grand Lodge, Lodge histories, lectures, every copy of the “Western Mason” & “WA Freemason”, CDs, DVDs, VCR cassettes, audiotapes and a host of reading and reference material; and yes, we even have Dan Brown on the shelves!

Many books and non-book items are available on loan for a limited period while some, of a rare or valuable nature, are for reference only, by arrangement.

The library is open from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, Monday to Friday and is manned by an enthusiastic group of dedicated and knowledgeable brethren who are ever ready to assist and guide Freemasons to their required literary destination.

The current library catalogue list can be downloaded from this link: Library Catalogue – July 2012

Grand Librarian: RW Bro. Janis Kalejs PJGW

Library assistants: W Bro. Reginald Catterall PGP, W Bro. Richard Corfield PGP, VW Bro. Brian Maughan DGIW, Bro. David Shearer