Happy Birthday Canberra

When the Minister for Home Affairs, King O’Malley wrote his introduction to the milestone volume Canberra – Capital City of the Commonwealth of Australia he declared for posterity that ‘Such an opportunity as this, the Commonwealth selecting a site for its national city in almost virgin country, comes to few nations and comes but once in a history.’
Smoking Ceremony for Kirrawee

‘It’s wonderful that the masons are now part of the Aboriginal culture of this area.’
These words, spoken by Les Bursill OAM, an elder from the Dharawal nation, completed a Naming and Smoking Ceremony for Lodge Kirrawee at Sutherland in March.
Goulburn 150th Anniversary Celebrations

The Goulburn 150th Anniversary Celebrations on Saturday, 16th March was truly a significant event. Not just to mark 150 years of the City of Goulburn, but also for the fact that freemasons have been involved with the evolution of this city from the time that settlement first began in the area right up to the present day.
Crohn's Awareness Dinner

Crohn’s disease can involve any part of the gastrointestinal tract from top to bottom but most commonly affects the small intestine and/or the colon. Within a diseased section, Crohn’s disease can affect
Surfers for Autism Day

Over 40 Freemasons came together on 19 January 2013 from all over NSW to support the annual 'Surfers for Autism' day held at Nobbys Beach in Newcastle.
Lodge Dunblane takes to the streets in support of struggling families

All Lodge Dunblane wants for Christmas is enough grocery items to feed hungry families for another year.
As the Christmas season draws closer, WM of Lodge Dunblane Gub Billick and his brethren are taking part in the annual Christmas Trolley Drive.
The Hand of Friendship stretches from Australia all the way to Italy
On the 20th May 2012 an earthquake sequence began with a magnitude 4.0 at 01:13 local time. Less than three hours later, at 04:04 local time the biggest of these earthquakes occurred with magnitude 5.9 between Finale Emilia (province of Modena) and Sant'Agostino (province of Ferrara).
Masonicare supports SouthCare

SouthCare started on 1 October 1998. Now 15 years later, the service has saved many lives and prevented added disability by the excellent work of flight crew, the paramedics, and the doctors of the Canberra Region Retrieval Service.