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    Conference of Grand Masters of North America

    Recognizes MasoniCh.I.P. Ontario

    MasoniChIP Service Award 2013On Feb 18, at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America, the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario was presented with an Outstanding Service Award by Masonichip International.

    The Award was presented by M.W. Bro. Denny Robinson, PGM and President of Masonichip International and accepted by M.W. Bro. D. Garry Dowling, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.

    Approximately 10 such awards were presented to Grand Lodges throughout North America to honour outstanding achievements and success in identifying and educating children in collaboration with the Masonichip International program.

    M.W. Bro. D. Garry Dowling was delighted to accept the Award on behalf of all the Officers of Masonichip Ontario and the many, many Masonic Volunteers and their Ladies who assist in all facets of our programme across Ontario. To date, this programme has enabled over 51,000 Child Identification Kits to be produced in Ontario for parents and guardians.

    The National Center for Exploited and Missing Children in the United States, states:

    "MasoniCh.I.P. is one of the most comprehensive child
    recovery and identification programs in the nation."

    Please visit the MasoniCh.I.P. Ontario website for further details of this wonderful programme (

    D. Garry Dowling,
    Grand Master

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    Contact Us

    Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario
    363 King Street West
    L8P 1B4
    Work +1-905-528-8644
    Fax +1-905-528-6979