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London Regional Cancer Program (LRCP)
Prostate Cancer Tour Jan. 16, 2014
Your Foundation Dollars at Work
On Thursday, Jan. 16, a number of the Directors of the Masonic Foundation of Ontario were privileged to participate in a tour of the London Regional Cancer Program’s Prostate Cancer facilities at the London Health Sciences Centre.
The following members of the Masonic Foundation were in attendance: President A. Douglas Nichols, Dr. David Cameron, Mr. Garry Dowling, Mr. Patrick McGrenere, Mr. Ed Standish, Dr. Charles Woods and our Deputy Grand Master, Mr. John Green.
We were accompanied on the tour by two private donors, Mrs. Sheila Reynolds and Mr. John Reynolds.
The tour was organized and directed by two members of the London Health Sciences Foundation, Jackie Ellefsen and Pam Taylor.
Photo (left to right)
Back Row: Dr. Charles Woods, Doug Nichols (MFO Foundation President), Patrick McGrenere, Dr. David Cameron, Ed Standish, Garry Dowling
Front Row: Aaron Ward, Leonard Luyt, Mrs. Sheila Reynolds, Mr. John Reynolds, John Green (Deputy Grand Master)
Missing: Dr. Glenn Bauman, Jackie Ellefsen, Pam Taylor