District Grand Master


Brother Martin H. Thomas, BA, Dip Lib, MCILIP

District Grand Secretary : Brother M. Fahmy Jowharsha


Lodge Number Name Where When
428 Cosmopolitan Hong Kong 3rd Thur, June - August (Inst - August)
493 St Andrew-in-the-Far-East Hong Kong 4th Thur, Jan - May, Sept - Nov. (Inst -Nov)
498 Hiogo and Osaka Kobe, Japan

1st Thur, Feb - May, Oct - Nov. 2nd Thursday, Jan. (Inst - Dec)

618 St John Hong Kong 2nd Tues, Jan - June, Sept - Dec. (Inst - Dec)
640 Star-in-the-East Yokohama, Japan 2nd Tues, Jan - June, Sept - Dec. (Inst - Dec)
848 Naval and Military Hong Kong 1st Wed, Jan - June, Sept - Dec. Inst - March)
923 Eastern Scotia Hong Kong 3rd Tues, Jan - June, Sept - Nov. (Inst - March)
1034 Perla del Oriente Manila, Philippines 3rd Sat. Jan - Dec. (Inst - Nov)
1048 Han Yang Seoul, Korea 2nd & 4th Wed. Jan - Nov.
1675 Pusan Korea Lodge Pusan, Korea 4th Sat. Jan - Jun, Sept - Dec. (Inst - Dec)
1727 Harry S. Truman Kyonggi-Do, Korea 1st & 3rd Thur. Jan - Nov.





The above information was derived from the Year Book. However, typing mistakes can occur and Lodge details change. Should any amendments and/or corrections require to be made to the above details or if a Lodge wishes to have its' web page linked to from here please e-mail the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Do not write or telephone Freemasons' Hall for this purpose.