
Armies of the Crusades

Armies of the Crusades
Armies of the Crusades
Armies of the Crusades Rear Cover
Armies of the Crusades by Terence Wise, Gerry Embleton
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In the early crusades men of all ranks from all over Europe took the cross and went to fight Islam as volunteers. Some went out of religious fervour, others to escape the plagues and famine which were rife at the time, still others in search of land or a fortune in loot. Fighting alongside all of these were the armies raised in Outremer, the Holy Land itself. Together they waged a bloody religious war, participants of which included such forces as the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, and the Byzantine Army.

Other titles previously presented here concentrate on the individual or the Order (Knights Templar etc.) of which they were members. This title paints a picture with a larger brush. Looking at the opposing armies their weapons, tactics and clothing are compared. Again the detailed artwork is immensely important in allowing us to visualise the individuals who made up the various armies (Mamluks, Moors, Fatimids etc.) who fought each other for more than 200 years. 40 pages. 7 1/8 inches x 9 3/4 inches (183cm x 247cm).