13. mai 6016 Anno Lucis
Eesti Suurlooži rahvusvaheline tunnustatus

Vabamüürlikud organisatsioonid tegutsevad nagu ka riigid vastastikuse tunnustamise põhimõttel. Sellega antakse märku ühiste väärtuste jagamisest, mitte alluvussuhetest.

Eesti Suurloožil on tunnustused järgmiste suurloožidega:

United Grand Lodge of England
Grand Lodge of Andorra
Grand Lodge of Armenia
Grand Lodge of Austria
Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium
Grand Lodge of Bosnia and Herzegovina
United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria
Grand Lodge of Croatia
Grand Lodge of Cyprus
Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic
Grand Lodge of Denmark
Grand Lodge of Finland
United Grand Lodges of Germany
National Grand Lodge of Greece
Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary
Icelandic Order of Freemasons - Grand Lodge of Iceland
Grand Lodge of Ireland
Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
Regular Grand Lodge of Italy
Grand Lodge of Latvia
Grand Lodge of Lithuania
Grand Lodge of Luxembourg
Grand Lodge of Macedonia
Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta
Grand Lodge of Moldova
National Regular Grand Lodge of the Principality of Monaco
Grand Lodge of Montenegro
Grand East of The Netherlands
Norwegian Order of Freemasons - Grand Lodge of Norway
National Grand Lodge of Poland
Legal Grand Lodge of Portugal
National Grand Lodge of Romania
Grand Lodge of Russia
Grand Lodge of Scotland
Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia
Grand Lodge of Slovakia
Grand Lodge of Slovenia
Grand Lodge of Spain
Swedish Order of Freemasons - Grand Lodge of Sweden
Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland
Grand Lodge of Turkey

Grand Lodge of Arizona
Grand Lodge of California
Grand Lodge of District of Columbia (Washington DC)
Grand Lodge of Florida
Grand Lodge of Georgia
Grand Lodge of Indiana
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
Grand Lodge of the State of New York
Grand Lodge of Washington

Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario
Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
Grand Lodge of Quebec

Lõuna Ameerika
Grand Orient of Brazil
Grand Lodge of the State of Mato Grosso Do Sul
Grand Lodge of Peru
Grand Lodge of Uruguay

Grand Lodge of China
Grand Lodge of Japan

Grand Lodge of New Zealand
Grand Lodge of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
Grand Lodge of Queensland
Grand Lodge of South Australia & Northern Territory
Grand Lodge of Tasmania
Grand Lodge of Victoria

Grand Lodge of Mauritius
Grand Lodge of South Africa

Eesti Suurloožil puuduvad igasugused suhted end vabamüürlikeks nimetavate organisatsioonidega, mis ei lähtu vastastikuse tunnustamise põhimõtetest, usuvabadusest ja lojaalsusest asukohariigile.

E-post: postkast@eestisl.ee
Eesti V. ja T.VM. Suurloož | Tatari 25-33, Tallinn 10116 | Postkast 3992, 10509 Tallinn