How To Help

Members of the Order can take pride in what is happening at St. John's. Please become involved and help Masonic Havens to build for the future on the foundations of the past.

How can you assist in promoting this very worthwhile housing initiative for the Active Elderly?SJC_lake

There are several opportunities for you to give financial support to St. John's Close and every contribution will be welcomed and acknowledged.

Friend of St. John's - The Board of Directors encourages all Freemasons to contribute towards the cost of the project and become a Friend of St. John's by subscribing €200 in one payment or by paying €10 per month over two years by Bank Standing Order attached.

Garden Benches - You can sponsor a garden bench by paying a lump sum of €150 or by Bank Standing Order (see over) for €5 each month for three years.

Trees/Shrubs - 50 different trees/shrubs will be planted and you can provide one by payment of €100.