St. John's Close

26 more reasons to be proud of Irish Freemasonry

Since 1974 Masonic Havens has provided sheltered housing for the elderly in Dublin. We are now moving forward to provide a new level of care. St. John's Close offers 26 sheltered housing units alongside our Nursing Home in Virginia, Co. Cavan (see location map) to allow for continuity of care for the active as well as the dependent elderly.StJohnsClose_Bung3

It is the first step in providing such a comprehensive care package. It reflects the most modern thinking in relation to care of the elderly. Sister Constitutions in England and Scotland operate a number of such facilities and this development offers both a challenge and an opportunity to all Irish Freemasons.  Working together to make a real difference is at the core of Freemasonry.

Members of the Order can take pride in what is happening at St. John's. Please become involved and help Masonic Havens to build for the future on the foundations of the past.

"I am happy to give my personal endorsement and support to the Masonic Havens' development at St John's Close. It builds on the current valuable and important support given by Masonic Havens to so many by recognising that the needs of the present time require more emphasis on the care for the active elderly as well those more dependent. It is an initiative that all of us in Irish Freemasonry can be proud of. I encourage you to support it in whatever way you can" .

Most Worshipful Grand Master Eric N. Waller

The Board of Directors of Masonic Havens Ltd. gratefully acknowledges that the funds to build St. John's Close are part grant aided by the Department of the Environment and Local Government, Cavan County Council and Sustainable Energy Ireland.

The Communal Centre is part grant aided by the The National Lottery.