
Who may apply for residency?

Any active elderly person or couple who fulfill the qualifications for inclusion on their local Council Housing List. Active elderly people who do not meet these qualifications may also apply.SJC_Bung2 -To be considered for Residency you should write to the The Secretary, Masonic Havens Ltd., 17 Molesworth St., Dublin 2., giving full details of your name and address, age and status (whether employed, retired or otherwise). You will be sent a detailed Application Form which you should complete and return. You will be called for interview following the return of the Application Form and shortly thereafter you will be informed as to the success or otherwise of your application. In the event that the number of applicants exceed the number of vacancies a "Waiting List" will be created.

Details of the weekly/monthly costs of a bungalow will be given to you at the time of your interview. Those who qualify for inclusion on the Council Housing List are likely to qualify for Rent Assistance and you will be given guidance in this respect.