enters India |
was introduced into India by the Grand Lodge of England in
Calcutta (Kolkata) in Eastern India in 1729. It then spread
to the South in Madras in 1752, to the West in Bombay in 1758
and to the North in Punjab in 1786.
Dutch Constitution entered India in 1758 in Bengal.
French Constitution entered India in 1787 in Pondicherry.
Danish Constitution entered India in 1805 in Tamil Nadu.
Scottish Constitution first entered Sri Lanka in 1801 and
later consecrated Lodges in India.
Irish Constitution entered India in 1835 in Punjab.
the initial period of 107 years, after freemasonry came to
India (upto 1836), only 3 ethnic Indians were initiated in
Visiting Delegates of Grand Lodge of France and Grand Lodge of Upper India at Coimbatore to attend Installation of MW Bro. Philip Fowler (26th May 2013) As one can see, being selected by such a prestigious company this means great things are truly on the horizon for sale. Last year when Eyecare Universe opened its doors to the internet, they had one goal in mind and that is to provide the largest selection of optical replica ray ban goods know to the universe. Chris Kalian, Partner at Eye Care Universe said "We're pleased to announce that thanks to the long standing, successful relationship we've had with Luxottica, Eye Care Universe has been selected as an authorized internet retailer of the entire line of Ray Ban sunglasses and eyeglasses. In line with our mission statement of bringing our customers the largest selection of cheap oakley outlet eye care products in the universe. Eye Care Universe can now offer its customers the largest selection of Ray Ban sunglasses and eyeglasses in the universe." To help celebrate this milestone as well as to help kickoff Vision Expo East, Oakley is offering a one day sale and that entails providing 4% OFF plus complimentary ground shipping on all orders. |
Current Scene |
under the following Grand Constitutions are now operating
in India: |
1. |
Grand Lodge of England has about 65 lodges meeting all
over India. |
Lodge of Scotland has about 53 lodges meeting in India.
3. |
Lodge of Ireland has about 10 lodges meeting in India.
4. |
Lodge of India was consecrated in November 1961 when 145
out of 265 lodges of English, Irish and Scottish Constitutions
opted for the new Grand Lodge. |
5. |
Grand Lodge of Upper India was consecrated on 21st January 1995 at Chandigarh they meet at Freemasons’ Complex at Daun, (Chandigarh). There are currently 13 Lodges working under its Constitution.
6. |
Lodge of South India was consecrated and established
on 27th May 1995 at Coimbatore and has 14 lodges warranted
by it. In Coimbatore, they meet at Freemasons’
Hall, Race Course Road.
(L to R) MW Bro. K. Sathyanathan, V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet, MW Bro. Michel Singer,
MW Bro. M.R. Venkataraman and MW Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta. (May 2013) |
Grand Lodge of Upper India Delegates with Brethren of Grand Lodge of South India at Coimbatore. (May 2012) |
V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet of G L of France , and RW Bro Jean Pierre Velleyen, Grand Chancellor, G L of France with RW Bro.Lt.col. Iqbal Singh Khara at the Grand Festival of Grand Lodge of South India in Coimbatore on 24th May 2015 |
(L to R) V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet, RW Bro Jean Pierre Velleyen, Grand Chancellor, G L of France and RW Bro. Iqbal Singh Khara in Coimbatore on 24th May 2015 |
La situation actuelle en Inde: |
Actuellement des Loges fonctionnent, en Inde, sous les Grandes Constitutions (Obédiences) suivantes:- |
La Grande Loge Unie d’Angleterre à environ 65 loges qui se rencontrent partout en Inde; |
La Grande Loge d'Écosse à environ 53 loges se rencontrant en Inde; |
La Grande Loge d’Irlande à environ 10 loges qui se réunissent en Inde. |
La Grande Loge de l'Inde a été constitué et consacré en Novembre 1961 quand 145 sur 265 loges de Constitutions Anglaise, Irlandaise et Ecossaise ont opté pour se fédérer à la nouvelle Grande Loge. |
La Grande Loge du Nord de l'Inde fut consacrée le 21 janvier 1995 à Chandigarh, ils se réunissent au complexe maçonnique à Daun, (Chandigarh). Il y a actuellement 13 loges travaillant sous sa Constitution |
La Grande Lodge du Sud de l'Inde fut consacrée et créée le 27 mai 1995 à Coimbatore et a délivré patente à 14 loges. À Coimbatore, les loges se réunissent au Hall des franc-maçons, Race Course Road. |