19th Annual Grand Lodge Meeting ---December 2012 |
M.W. Bro. Rakesh Kumar Mittal O.S.M.--Takes over as Grand Master |
The Annual Grand Festival of Grand Lodge of Upper India was held on 8th December 2012 at Hotel Beckons, Chandigarh. The Meetings of the Supreme Grand Chapter and Grand Mark Lodge of Upper India were held on 9th December 2012 at the Freemason’s Complex at Daun, Mohali. The Grand Festival was graced by a deputation from Grand Lodge of South India. |
(L to R) RW Bro. Balbir Singh Devgun Dy. GM, MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal GM, and RW Bro. Col. Shamsher Singh Dhanoa Asst GM
M.W. Bro. Dr. Satwinder Singh Bhamra the outgoing Grand Master opened the Grand Lodge in ample form. He decorated MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal with the Order of Service to Masonry for the various services rendered to Grand Lodge of Upper India. |
He installed M.W. Bro. Rakesh Kumar Mittal, as 8th Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Masons of Upper India for a three years term of office. M.W. Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta, MW Bro. Dr. P. S. Egan, MW Bro. Jaspal Singh Narang and other senior brethren graced the occasion. R. W. Bro. Balbir Singh Devgun was installed Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Bro. Col. Shamsher Singh Dhanoa was installed Assistant Grand Master. |
A lavish banquet was hosted after the meeting. |
(L to R) RW Bro. Kamaldeep Singh Egan JGW, MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal GM and RW Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta SGW.
MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal O.S.M. |
MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal is a mason of over 30 years, having been initiated into freemasonry on 24th January 1981 in Lodge Chandigarh No. 241 (GLI -now No.1 GLUI). He worked his way up performing proficiently in each office and was installed W. Master of this Lodge in December 1987. He is a founder W. Master of Lodge Doraiswamy No. 5 G.L.U.I.
He was exalted in H. R. A. Chapter Sundaram No.68 G.C.I. on 27th April 1990 and later installed Principal Z of Chapter Chandigarh No.1 G.C.U.I. on 20th April 1996.
He was advanced in the Mark Degree in the Mark Master Masons Lodge Chandigarh No. 61 G.L.I., and later installed W. Mark Master of Mark Lodge Devi Das No. 1277 E.C.
He was elevated in Royal Ark Mariners degree and later installed W. Commander ‘N’ of Lodge Devidas No. 1277 E.C. on 16th October 1999.
He was inducted in the Order of Secret Monitor in Conclave Chandigarh No. 355 E.C. on 12th January 1991, and was installed its Supreme Ruler on 9th January 1999.
MW Bro Rakesh Kumar Mittal was born on 22nd December at Ambala. He studied at D.A. V. Senior Sec. School, sector 8, Chandigarh. After doing his Pre-Engineering from D.A.V. College sector 10, Chandigarh, he joined Marine Engineering and Research Institute, Calcutta, and passed out as Marine Engineer in 1973. He joined Great Eastern Shipping Co. Bombay as Junior Engineer, and rose to become a Chief Engineer in 1979. He left his Merchant shipping job in 1982 to set up an industrial unit in Chandigarh for manufacturing Industrial fasteners. He is still engaged in this professional activity.
Rakesh is an active member of various prestigious Institutions like Institute of Marine Engineers, Merchant Navy Officers Association, Chamber of Chandigarh Industries, Rotary Club of Panchkula and the D.A.V. Trust and Society.
Happily married to Ritu, they are blessed with a son and two daughters. His elder daughter is an Engineering MBA, while the second is a Law graduate working as a Manager with State Bank of India. Son Rohan is a Law graduate, and a practicing Lawyer in Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh. |
(L to R) RW Bro.Dr. Sandeep Singh Egan G Treasurer, MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal GM and RW Bro. Hardev Singh Ranauta G. Secretary.
South India Grand Delegation Attends Grand Festival- Dec 2012 |
The Annual Grand Festival of Grand Lodge of Upper India was held at Beckons Hotel, Chandigarh on 8th December 2012, and was graced by a deputation of two brethren from Grand Lodge of South India. The two brethren in the deputation, RW Bro. V.S. Chanderasekaran and RW Bro. Shyam Venkatraman, arrived at Chandigarh on Friday the 7th December and participated in the Grand Festival on the 8th and 9th December. The brethren of G L of Upper India express their gratitude and thanks to the brethren from Coimbatore who travelled hundreds of miles to be in Chandigarh for the occasion. |
MW Bro Rakesh Mittal with |
RW Bro. V.S. Chanderasekaran |
RW Bro. Shyam Venkataraman |
Upper India Grand Delegation Attends 19th Grand Festival of Grand Lodge of South India on 26th May 2013 |
A delegation of Grand Lodge of Upper India consisting of four brethren attended the 19th Grand Festival of Grand Lodge of South India on 25th and 26th of May 2013. The delegation was headed by MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal, and included the following brethren: MW Bro. Dr. Satwinder Singh Bhamra, MW Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta, and MW Bro. Dr. P. S. Egan. |
(L to R) MW Bro. Dr. P. S. Egan, MW Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta, MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal, and MW Bro. Dr. Satwinder Singh Bhamra
As we saw at Baselworld, black watches are in. And we're not just talking about watches with a black dial and a black strap: no, watches are increasingly sporting ultra-black cases and even black movements, particularly in skeleton watches. So, following on replica omega from the automotive industry's flirtation with black vehicles of every size and shape, watchmaking is going full black, and every style of watch is affected: sports watches, classic watches, haute horlogerie and the avant-garde, as well as women's breitling replica watches and jewellery watches. The cases of these "total black" watches are generally made of stainless steel, titanium or ceramic. While ceramic is relatively easy to colour, this is not the case with steel. Two coating rolex replica techniques are used to produce a jet-black finish: PVD and DLC. The majority of the timepieces presented here make use of these technologies. Ultranero. The new Octo by Bulgari is defined by its colour. Produced in Finissimo Tourbillon, Solotempo and Velocissimo versions, it comes in a replique montres titanium or DLC-treated steel case, and its dark looks are enhanced by a lacquered or polished dial and bezel, with matching alligator or rubber strap. The pink gold hands, indexes and crown - capped with a black ceramic insert - lift and lighten the total black look. |
On Friday 24th May 2013, the delegates reached Coimbatore in the evening, were received at the Airport by the brethren from Coimbatore and accommodated at the Coimbatore Club. At the informal dinner at the Club were also present members of the delegation from Grand Lodge of France, MW Bro. Yves Max Viton P GM, RW Bro Michel Singer (Sovereign G. Inspector General of the AASR), RW Bro. Vijay Dwarka P AGM for Indian Ocean) RW Bro. Pascal Nivard (DGC) and V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet (33* S.G.I.C. AASR)
The delegates attended the Annual Meeting of Supreme Grand Chapter of South India and Annual Meeting of Grand Mark Lodge of South India in the morning of Saturday 25th May.
The Annual Grand festival of the Grand Lodge of South India was held on Sunday 26th May 2013 in the evening and MW Bro Philip R. J. Fowler was installed Grand Master for a two years term. He appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year and conferred past ranks on brethren for services rendered to the Grand Lodge of South India. On the occasion he also conferred the Rank of Honourary Grand Master on RW Bro. Michel Singer and RW Bro. Vijay Dwarka. They both addressed the Grand Lodge and thanked MW Bro. Philip Fowler for the honour conferred. MW Bro. Yves Max Viton Past Grand Master of Grand Lodge of France also addressed the Grand Lodge.
Addressing the Grand Lodge, MW Bro. Rakesh Mittal Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Upper India appreciated the zeal and dedication of the brethren of South India and thanked them for their kind and lavish hospitality. |
Visiting Delegates with MW Bro. Philip Fowler and other brethren from GL of South India
The Annual Grand Festival of the Grand Lodge of South India was a well attended Grand function, followed by a grand banquet. On the occasion the Delegation form Grand Lodge of Upper India presented a Siropao (Robe of Honour) to V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet (33* S.G.I.C. AASR)
from France.
The delegates returned to Chandigarh on Monday 27th after enjoying the warm hospitality of the South Indian brethren. |
V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet (33* S.G.I.C. AASR) |
Honoured with Siropao |
V.I.Bro. Philippe Douillet (third from rt) was presented “Robe of Honour” (Siropao) by the President of United Grand Lodges of India.
MW Bro. Dr. P.S. Egan President of United Grand Lodges of India, on behalf of the two Grand Lodges honoured V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet (33* S.G.I.C. AASR) with a ‘Siropao’ or a ‘Robe of Honour’. MW Bro. Dr. P.S. Egan explained that ‘sir’ means head and ‘pao’ means foot, and ‘Siropao’ means from head to foot or the complete body. Presenting this Golden Coloured Siropao or mini turban to our Very Illustrious brother, it is our prayer to Almighty God to bless and protect the brother from head to foot. Turban is an emblem of self respect of the individual and is always worn with pride. |
V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet and other delegates from Grand Lodge of France, and delegates from Grand Lodge of Upper India with (4th from rt.), MW Bro. Philip Fowler, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of South India.
V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet, with MW Bro. Ajit Singh Ranauta, MW Bro. Dr. P. S. Egan and MW Bro. Dr. S. S. Bhamra.
V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillette recovers good health
Two years back when V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet (33* S.G.I.C. AASR), attended the 19th Annual Grand Lodge Festival of Grand Lodge of South India on 26th May 2013, he was walking with difficulty and with the help of a cane stick. On the occasion he was honoured and presented a ‘Siropao’ or a ‘Robe of Honour’. This year when he attended 21st Annual Grand Lodge Festival of Grand Lodge of South India on 24th May 2015, all were happily surprised to see him walk freely without the aid of a walking stick and was very fit. He attributed his recovery to the “Siropao” that we presented to him along with prayers and blessings of good health and long life. Appreciating our prayers he presented a letter of thanks to the brethren. We continue to pray for his good health. May the “Siropao” continue to protect him. |
Letter of Thanks handed over by V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet
On 24th May 2015 at Coimbatore, V.I. Bro. Philippe Douillet handing his Letter of Thanks to MW Bro Dr PS Egan in presence of (l to r) MW Bro Dr Satwinder Singh Bhamra, MW Bro Ajit Singh Ranauta, MW Bro Rakesh Kumar Mittal, RW Bro Col Shamsher Singh Dhanoa, MW Bro Michel Singer and RW Bro Lt Col Iqbal Singh Khara
20th Annual Grand Lodge Meeting --- 14th December 2013 |
The 20th Annual Grand Festival of Grand Lodge of Upper India was held on 14th December 2013 at Hotel Beckons, Chandigarh. The Meetings of the Supreme Grand Chapter and Grand Mark Lodge of Upper India were held on 15th December 2013 at the Freemason’s Complex at Daun, Mohali. |
A delegation of 3 brethren from Grand Lodge of South India graced the Grand Festival on 14th Dec 2013. M.W. Bro Philip Fowler Grand Master GLSI, M.W. Bro K. Alagiriswamy Past Grand Master GLSI and R.W. Bro Shyam Venkataraman Grand Director of Ceremonies were ceremonially received. MW Bro. Rakesh Kumar Mittal welcomed M.W. Bro Philip Fowler Grand Master GLSI who was then saluted. M.W. Bro Philip Fowler thanked the brethren for their fraternal salutations. |
M.W. Bro. Rakesh Kumar Mittal, appointed and invested R.W. Bro. Col. Shamsher Singh Dhanoa as Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta was appointed and invested Assistant Grand Master. R. W. Bro. Balbir Singh Devgun was appointed and invested as President of the Grand Board. |
A lavish banquet, also attended by the ladies, was hosted after the meeting. |
South India Grand Delegation Attends Grand Festival- Dec 2013 |
The Annual Grand Festival of Grand Lodge of Upper India was held at Beckons Hotel, Chandigarh on 14th December 2013, and was graced by a deputation of three brethren from Grand Lodge of South India. The three brethren in the deputation, M.W. Bro Philip Fowler Grand Master GLSI, M.W. Bro K. Alagiriswamy Past Grand Master GLSI and R.W. Bro Shyam Venkataraman Grand Director of Ceremonies arrived at Chandigarh on Friday the 13th December and participated in the Grand Festival on the 14th and 15th December. The brethren of G L of Upper India express their gratitude and thanks to the brethren from Coimbatore who travelled hundreds of miles to be in Chandigarh for the occasion. |
21st Annual Grand Lodge Meeting ---13th December 2014 |
The 21st Annual Grand Festival of Grand Lodge of Upper India was held on 13th December 2014 at Hotel Beckons, Chandigarh. The Meetings of the Supreme Grand Chapter and Grand Mark Lodge of Upper India were held on 14th December 2014 at the Freemason’s Complex at Daun, Mohali. |
A delegation of 2 brethren from Grand Lodge of South India graced the Grand Festival on 13th Dec 2014. M.W. Bro Philip Fowler, Grand Master GLSI, and M.W. Bro K. Alagiriswamy Past Grand Master GLSI were ceremonially received. MW Bro. Rakesh Kumar Mittal welcomed M.W. Bro Philip Fowler Grand Master GLSI who was then saluted. M.W. Bro Philip Fowler thanked the brethren for their fraternal salutations. |
M.W. Bro. Rakesh Kumar Mittal, appointed and invested R.W. Bro. Col. Shamsher Singh Dhanoa as Deputy Grand Master and R.W. Bro. Harbinder Singh Ranauta was appointed and invested Assistant Grand Master. R. W. Bro. Balbir Singh Devgun was appointed and invested as President of the Grand Board. |
RW Bro Balbir Singh Devgun elected Grand Master & conferred O S M. |
M.W. Bro. Rakesh Kumar Mittal announced that the Electoral at in its meeting held on Wednesday, 17th September, 2014 had unanimously elected RW Bro Balbir Singh Devgun Past Dy Grand Master and President of the Grand Board as the Grand Master for the ensuing term 2015-2018. |
RW Bro Balbir Singh Devgun was also conferred the Order of Service to Masonry. The Grand Master declared that for his well-known zeal and enthusiasm for Masonry, and by the valuable services he has rendered over a long period of years to the Craft in general and the Grand Lodge of Upper India in particular, he has inspired confidence in him to decorate RW Bro Balbir Singh Devgun with the Order of Service to Masonry. R.W. Bro. Balbir Singh Devgun was presented the jewel of Order of Service to Masonryand aCertificate. |
G D of C made the following Proclamation: |
“Be it known that R.W. Bro. Balbir Singh Devgun, President of the Grand Board, Deputy Grand Master from 2011 to 2013, Grand Master–elect; a mason of 25 Years, a Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India); recipient of Award by Invention Promotion Board at the hands of Vice President of India Shri V.V. Giri for developing a unique Hydraulic Control system for Tractors; instrumental for his Company Punjab Tractors for receiving a shield by ASSOCHAM for his achievement of establishing for Punjab Tractors a number of ancillary units in Mohali and Chandigarh; instrumental in setting up for PTL a unit to manufacture Light Commercial Vehicles (Swaraj Mazda) at Ropar; having served the Swaraj Group as Special Advisor to Managing Director; an active Rotarian and a keen Golfer; has this day been decorated with the Grand Master’s Order of Service to Masonry, and May the G A O T U long preserve him in the order.” |
R.W. BRO. BALBIR SINGH DEVGUN – Grand Master Elect. |
RW Bro. Balbir Singh Devgun |
G M elect |
RW Bro. Balbir Singh Devgun was born on 9th September 1941 in a village in Punjab; his family shifted to Delhi in 1950 where he completed his schooling in 1959. Balbir took up apprenticeship immediately in National Physical Laboratory and started studying for engineering with Institution of Engineers (India) of which he is a Fellow Member. |
In 1965 he moved to Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Durgapur to join a team developing India’s first Agricultural Tractor. He developed a unique Hydraulic Control system for Tractors and obtained International Patents for the same. He was awarded a Cash Prize by Invention Promotion Board at the hands of Vice President of India Shri V.V. Giri. |
In 1970 he moved to Chandigarh, to Punjab Tractors Limited to help production of Swaraj Agricultural Tractors under license from CMERI. He was responsible for establishing a large number of ancillary units in Mohali and Chandigarh. The Company (Punjab Tractors) was awarded a shield by ASSOCHAM for this achievement. |
In 1983, Balbir was assigned to a new venture of PTL to set up a unit to manufacture Light Commercial Vehicles. His involvement started with selecting a collaborator, localization, and ancillary development. He worked in different capacities as head of Purchase, Marketing and RND divisions |
He was responsible for running Swaraj Automotives Ltd., an ancillary unit at Nabha as Director in Charge. |
After an eventful career spanning 41 years, Balbir retired from Swaraj Group in 2011 as Special Advisor to Managing Director. |
Balbir is a widely travelled person having been to Yugoslavia, Hungary, Spain, Ukraine, Japan, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and U.K. |
He is an active Rotarian and a keen Golfer. |
He is happily married to Harbans Kaur for 50 years and they have three daughters.- a Child Psychologist, an Artist and a Dentist. |
19ème Convent Annuelle de la Grande Loge de l’Inde du Nord --Décembre 2012 |
Très Respectable Fr:. Rakesh Kumar Mittal O.S.M.-- devient Grand Maître de la Grande Loge de L’Inde du Nord. |
Le Convent de la Grande Loge du Nord s’est tenu le 8 Décembre 2012 à l'hôtel Beckons, Chandigarh. Les tenues du Grand Chapitre Suprême et de la Grand Mark Lodge de l'Inde du Nord ont eu lieu le 9 Décembre 2012 au complexe de la franc-maçonnerie à Daun, Mohali. Le Convent a été honoré par la présence d’une délégation de la Grande Loge de l'Inde du Sud. Le Très Respectable Fr:. Dr Satwinder Singh Bhamra le Grand Maître sortant a ouvert la Grande Loge en bonne et due forme selon le rituel. Il décore le Très Respectable Fr:. Rakesh Mittal de la médaille de Service à la Franc-Maçonnerie pour services rendus à la Grande Loge de l'Inde du Nord.
Le Très Respectable Fr:. Rakesh Kumar Mittal fut ainsi installé comme le 8ème Grand Maître de la Grande Loge de L’Inde du Nord pour un mandat de trois ans. Les Très Respectables Fr:. Ajit Singh Ranauta, Dr P. S. Egan, Jaspal Singh Narang et d’autres Anciens Frères ont gratifiés la cérémonie par leurs présences. Par la même occasion T.R.F. Balbir Singh Devgun a été installé comme Grand Maître Adjoint et Le T.R.F. Colonel Shamsher Singh Dhanoa a été installé comme Assistant Grand Maître. Un somptueux banquet a clôturé la séance.
Le Très Respectable Fr:. Rakesh Mittal O.S.M. |
Le Très Respectable Fr:. Rakesh Mittal est Franc-maçon depuis plus de 30 ans, ayant obtenu la lumière le 24 janvier 1981 dans la loge Chandigarh no 241 (GLI-maintenant No.1 GLUI). Il a fait son chemin avec compétence dans chaque office qu’il a occupé et a été installé, Vénérable Maître de cette loge, en décembre 1987. Il est aussi fondateur de la loge Doraiswamy No 5 G.L.U.I. Il a été élevé dans le H. R. A. Chapitre Sundaram N° 68 G.C.I. le 27 avril 1990 et installé plus tard Principal Z. du Chapitre Chandigarh No.1 G.C.U.I. le avril 1996. Il a été initié dans le Mark Degree dans la loge de Chandigarh No 61 G.L.I. et installé plus tard Vénérable Maître de la loge Mark: Devi Das N° 1277 E.C. Il a été élevé au degré de Royal Arche Mariners et installé plus tard Vénérable Commandant « N » de la loge Devidas No 1277 E.C. le 16 octobre 1999. Il a été intronisé dans l'ordre du Moniteur Secret dans le Conclave Chandigarh No 355 E.C. le 12 janvier 1991 et a été installé dirigeant Suprême, le 9 janvier 1999. |
Le Très Respectable Fr:. Rakesh Mittal est Franc-maçon depuis plus de 30 ans, ayant obtenu la lumière le 24 janvier 1981 dans la loge Chandigarh no 241 (GLI-maintenant No.1 GLUI). Il a fait son chemin avec compétence dans chaque office qu’il a occupé et a été installé, Vénérable Maître de cette loge, en décembre 1987. Il est aussi fondateur de la loge Doraiswamy No 5 G.L.U.I. Il a été élevé dans le H. R. A. Chapitre Sundaram N° 68 G.C.I. le 27 avril 1990 et installé plus tard Principal Z. du Chapitre Chandigarh No.1 G.C.U.I. le avril 1996. Il a été initié dans le Mark Degree dans la loge de Chandigarh No 61 G.L.I. et installé plus tard Vénérable Maître de la loge Mark: Devi Das N° 1277 E.C. Il a été élevé au degré de Royal Arche Mariners et installé plus tard Vénérable Commandant « N » de la loge Devidas No 1277 E.C. le 16 octobre 1999. Il a été intronisé dans l'ordre du Moniteur Secret dans le Conclave Chandigarh No 355 E.C. le 12 janvier 1991 et a été installé dirigeant Suprême, le 9 janvier 1999. |
La Délégation de la Grande Loge du Sud de l'Inde participe au Convent - Déc 2012
Le Convent Annuel de la Grande Loge du Nord de L’Inde s'est tenu à l'hôtel Beckons, Chandigarh le 8 Décembre 2012 et a été honoré par la présence d’une délégation de deux frères de la Grande Loge du Sud de l'Inde. Les deux frères de la délégation, le Très Respectable Fr:. V.S. Chanderasekaran et le T.R.F:. Shyam Venkatraman, sont arrivés à Chandigarh, le vendredi 7 décembre et ont participé au Convent du 8 et 9 Décembre. Les frères de la Grande Loge du Nord de L’Inde expriment leurs gratitudes et leurs remerciements aux frères de Coimbatore, qui ont parcouru des centaines de kilomètres pour être à Chandigarh pour l'occasion. |
La Grande délégation du Nord de L’Inde assiste au 19ème Convent de la Grande Loge de l'Inde du Sud tenue le 26 mai 2013 |
Une délégation de la Grande Loge du Nord de L’Inde composé de quatre frères a participé au 19ème Convent de la Grande Loge du Sud de l’Inde tenue le 25 et 26 mai 2013. La délégation était conduite par le T.R.F:. Rakesh Mittal et composé des frères suivants: les T.R.F:. Dr Sonia Singh Bhamra, Ajit Singh Ranauta et Dr P. S. Egan. Dans la soirée du Vendredi 24 mai 2013, les délégués sont arrivés à Coimbatore et ont été reçus à l'aéroport par les frères de Coimbatore. Ils étaient logés au Club de Coimbatore. |
Au dîner informel qui eut lieu au Restaurant du Club étaient également présents les membres de la délégation de la Grande Loge de France, les T.R.F:. Yves Max Viton P GM, Michel Singer (Souverain G. Inspecteur Général de la REAA), Vijay Dwarka (P.AGM pour l'océan Indien) Pascal Nivard (DGC) et T.Ill.F:. Philippe Douillet (33D S.G.I.C. de la REAA) les délégués ont assisté à la réunion annuel du Grand Chapitre Suprême du Sud de L’Inde et à la Grande réunion annuelle de MARK de la Grande Loge du Sud de l'Inde tenue dans la matinée du samedi 25 mai. |
Le Convent Annuel de la Grande Loge de l'Inde du Sud s’est tenu le Dimanche 26 Mai 2013 dans la soirée et le Très Respectable Fr:. Philip R. J. Fowler a été installé comme Grand Maître pour un mandat de deux ans. Il a nommé et investi ses officiers pour l'année qui suit et ensuite il a conféré le rang de Grand Maître Honoraire aux Très Respectables FF:. Michel Singer et Vijay Dwarka pour services rendus à la Grande Loge de l'Inde du Sud. Les deux ont remercié le Très Respectable Fr:. Philip Fowler pour l'honneur conféré. Le Très Respectable Fr:. Yves Max Viton passé Grand Maître de la Grande Loge de France a également abordé la Grande Loge. |
S'adressant à la Grande Loge, le Très Respectable Fr:. Rakesh Mittal Grand Maître de la Grande Loge du Nord de L’Inde exprime son appréciation pour le Zèle et le dévouement des frères du Sud de l'Inde et les remercie pour leur hospitalité somptueuse et fraternelle. |
Le Convent Annuel de la Grande Loge du Sud de l'Inde avait attiré un grand nombre des participants et était suivie d'un grand banquet de clôture. À cette occasion, la délégation de la Grande Loge du Nord de L'Inde a offert une “Siropao" (une Robe d'honneur) au Très Illustre Fr:. Philippe Douillet (33* S.G.I.C. REAA) de la France. Les délégués sont rentrés à Chandigarh Le Lundi 27 après avoir profité de l'hospitalité chaleureuse des frères du Sud de L’Inde. |
Très Illustre Fr:. Philippe Douillet (33* S.G.I.C. REAA) |
--- honoré avec une Siropao |
Le Très Respectable Fr:. Dr P.S. Egan, Président de la Confédération des Grandes Loges de l'Inde, au nom des deux Grandes Loges a honoré Le Très Illustre Fr:. Philippe Douillet (33* S.G.I.C. REAA) avec un "Siropao” ou une “Robe d'honneur". Le Très Respectable Fr:. Dr P.S. Egan a expliqué que “Sir” signifie tête et “pao” pied et les moyens de “Siropao” signifie de la tête au pied ou le corps complet. Présentant ce Siropao de couleur OR ou mini turban à notre Très Illustre Fr:., nous prions Dieu de le bénir et le protéger de la tête aux pieds. Le Turban est l’emblème du respect qu’un individu porte envers soi-même et il est toujours porté avec fierté. |