The Regular Worthy Lodge “Langeron” of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Grand Lodge of Ukraine, created on the East of Odessa under Number 9, was opened May 19, 2012 in the presence of delegations of Grand Lodges of France, Austria, Russia, Romania, Moldova, and representatives of the Masonic Lodges from USA, Poland and Greece.

The Lodge “Langeron” has traced its history since 1997 when one of the present brothers of the Lodge received a Masonic initiation and became the first citizen of Odessa who became a representative of the Regular Freemasonry (after the Masonic chain had been broken by the beginning of 1930s.). He received a recommendation for admission to Masonry from the leaders of the Ukrainian Freemasonry in France and Y. Musyanovich and T. Virsta (the Lodge Vox Ukrainae (“Voice of Ukraine”) of the Grand National Lodge of France). In 2000 in Odessa it was established the Lodge “Golden Acacia” (under № 1309 of GNLF, since 2005 it has been under № 4 of the Grand Lodge of Ukraine).
Subsequently, nine Masters of the Lodge “Golden Acacia” became founders of the Lodge “Langeron”. The Temple of the Lodge is situated not far from the preserved Arch “Langeron” which was built at the entrance to the villa of Duke Langeron in the 20-ies of XIX century.

The Lodge not accidentally took the name “Langeron”. In January 2013 we celebrated the 250th  anniversary of this great man – Louis- Alexander-Andre Comte de Langeron Marquis de la Baron de Coss Cunha. He took part in American Revolutionary War, in the assault of Ishmael, in several Russian-Turkish wars, in the war against Napoleon. He was a commander of the Ukrainian regiment of grenadiers. In 1815 Alexander Langeron was appointed the mayor of Odessa and the Military Governor of New Russia Area and Bessarabia (1815 – 1823). During his activity Langeron established a system of “free trade” – porto-franco, creates Odessa Botanical Garden, arranged Primorsky Boulevard, initiated the first city newspaper “Le Messager de la Rus Meridional”, opened a college for women and Richelieu Lyceum. He was preparing reformatory projects: constitutional and state changes, simplification of red tape. Langeron became a master of a
Masonic Lodge in Paris, and in Odessa he created two lodges of the Scottish Rite: “du Pont Euxine” and the Lodge of higher degrees  “Three Kingdoms of Nature”.


Lodge “Langeron” is a part of huge global brotherhood of Freemasonry, a voluntary association of free independent men, the organization of people motivated for spiritual search. Masons follow the principles of mutual aid, but they do not absolutize this principle. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization. The relationship between the members of this organization are more solidary and humane than those in everyday usual life. One’s social status doesn’t matter in construction of communication within the organization. Membership in the lodge imposes a number of obligations and it demands time. The Lodge is based on hierarchy and it presupposes observance of Masonic traditions. It is a closed organization, which is based on the postulate that certain elements of internal organization, rituals and Membership of Masons should not be disclosed. Lists of members of Masonic organizations are never published, the names of members of the  organization are never revealed without their consent. But Freemasonry is an organization both traditionalistic and initiatory, so rituals and unwritten traditions, the main positions of which have not changed for hundreds of years, play an important role in the inner life of the organization. The moral values of Masonry – Faith, Freedom, Equality, Fraternity, and Honor – are the basis of the work of the Lodge.