Support Georgia Masons
Masonic Specialty Tag
Georgia is joining so many other states by making a Specialty Tag available featuring the Square and Compasses. When you purchase and each time you renew your Freemasons tag, Georgia Masonic Charities Foundation which supports many youth programs and youth safety programs will receive $10.
Take advantage of this great way to display your pride in Freemasonry and youth programs. We must have orders for a minimum of 1000 tags to get started. That means a minimum annual revenue of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.
[Download the Specialty Tag Application]
Perpetual Membership
Are you a Perpetual Member?
You can be. Pay just 21 times the amount of your Lodge dues and you will never have to pay dues, ever! In addition, your Lodge will continue to received your annual dues forever, even after your death. There is no better gift that you could leave to your Lodge than this gift that will ensure income from your dues for all time. The only exceptions would be:
If you transfer your membership to another Georgia Lodge, your Perpetual Membership moves with you. Should you affiliate with a Lodge outside of Georgia, your Perpetual Membership stays with that Georgia Lodge. Should you decide to move back to Georgia and affiliate with a Georgia Lodge, your Membership will move to your new Georgia Lodge.
This also benefits the Grand Lodge of Georgia in that the current per capita fees in effect at the time that you become a perpetual member will continue to go to the operation of your Grand Lodge.
Don’t have the cash right now?
No problem! Simply pay $200 down and the balance can be paid anyway you like over a five (5) year period subject to (1) it must be paid within the five year period and (2) an annual payment is required. Until it is paid in full, you must continue to pay your annual dues to your Lodge. However, while your approved payment plan is in effect, your perpetual membership will not be subject to any increases in dues from your Lodge or increases in per capita fees by the Grand Lodge.
Q: How do I get started?
Fill out the application, attach your check and turn it in to the Secretary of your Lodge. He will complete the form and send it to the Grand Secretary. Within a short time you will be receiving a nice certificate and more importantly, each year, every year, your Lodge will receive a check from the perpetual trust, from now on, forever.
Q: Why do we need Perpetual Memberships?
A: Unfortunately, we have experienced losses in membership for over a decade. These losses have had adverse effects on the finances of particular Lodges. If that Lodge owns its building, the fixed costs of upkeep and operation are spread among a decreasing number of members. Like the Masonic Home Endowment Fund, the money from Perpetual Memberships will be used as an endowment fund for your particular Lodge. Only the earned income will be used to support your Lodge and the Grand Lodge. A Perpetual Membership is a way to to an endowment fund for your Lodge, insuring future financial security.
Q: I hold dual membership in two Lodges. Does my Perpetual Membership Fee cover the dues in both Lodges?
A: No. The Perpetual Membership payment (21 times) is applicable only for the Lodge to which it is paid. To become a Perpetual Member of both Lodges, or each different Lodge you may be a member, you would have to make the payment (21 times dues) to each of those Lodges.
Q: What happens to the money that I send to Grand Lodge?
A: All of the money collected for Perpetual Membership is placed in a restricted investment account, accounted for separately by the Grand Treasurer from all other Grand Lodge funds. Each year an allocation of these funds will be made for the amount of dues to your Lodge and to the Grand Lodge for per capita fees that were in effect at the time you became a Perpetual Member.
Give The Gift That Keeps On Giving!
Sign up today and receive a beautiful Lapel Pin, distinguishing you as a Grand Lodge of Georgia Perpetual Member.
[Download the Membership Application]
For your convenience, you can now use your Visa® or MasterCard® for purchases such as Perpetual Membership, as well as to make contributions such as the Masonic Home Endowment Fund, etc.
Details will be coming soon to your Lodge Secretary.
Perpetual Membership: "Helping to Insure Our Future Financial Security"