Grand Lodge of Georgia Books

The following books are published by the Grand Lodge of Georgia F.&A.M. They are available from the Grand Lodge office.

Order by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone (478) 742-1475.

Items We Sell

Item Price
Masonic Code $10.00
Masonic Code on Disk $10.00
Lodge Membership Disk $10.00
List of Lodges (Georgia) $5.00
List of Lodges (National) $10.00
Masonic Manual Vol I $10.00
Masonic Manual Vol II $10.00
Greetings To A Mason's Lady Booklet $0.50 each
Officer's Planning Pack $5.00
Books Of The Book $5.00
Leaves $5.00
From You To Me $5.00
Mentor's Manual $2.00
Proceedings $20.00
Lodge System (Set of 4) $4.00 (or $1.00 for each book)
Masonic Etiquette $2.00
Investigation $2.00
W.M. Program Notebook $4.50
Secretaries Guide $4.00
Memorial Book $1.50
Mailing Labels $0.04 each label
Printout $0.02 each name
Widow's Pin $5.00
25-Year Pin 5.00 $5.00
25-Year Certificate $1.00
25-Year Aprons $25.00
Petitions (All) $0.20
Dimits $0.20
Master Mason's Diploma $1.00
Past Master's Certificate $1.00
Resolutions of Respect $1.00
Dues Cards $0.20
Notices (50 sheets per pad) $1.50
Minute Book pages $0.10 each
Messenger Subscription (per year U.S.) $10.00
Messenger Subscription (Canada and foreign countries) $13.00
Living Stones Video (Other videos may be rented: charge on postage) $10.00
New Charter $10.00
Duplicate Charter $10.00
Charity Book Fund $5.00
Report Book $12.50
Voucher on Treas. Book (Blue) $8.00
Treasurer's Receipt Book (Yellow) $6.00
50-Year Replacement Pin $10.00
50-Year Replacement Apron $20.00
50-Year Replacement Certificate $1.00
Non-Masons Pamphlets - Free (charge for postage if large qty)  
BRONZE Milennium Coins - Years available: 1998, 2000, 2001 $3.00 each (No tax)