The Masonic Haven opened 1978 and the simplicity of the plan and the architectural concept have been painstakingly evolved to ensure that the elderly occupants with failing powers will enjoy and happily participate in a community; a warm and friendly community whose interest are associated with person centered care
The Masonic Haven is registered as a Non - Profit Organization with the Department of Social Welfare and as such it is focused on keeping costs within those limits that would provide for adequate and safe housing, catering and other services required to meet the needs of the Residents.
Masonic Haven is a home for the aged in which they have access to all essential requirements of daily life..........freedom of movement, privacy and independence. ……….a Haven where self-confidence and dignity enable them to maintain a healthy interest in life and joy in living.
The Masonic Haven forms part of a township to the East of Pretoria and is within easy reach of the main highways. It is approximately 5km from the Wilgers Hospital and a shopping centre to which we transport our residents twice a week.

The Masonic Haven was established to provide a safe and stable environment into which the aged may move to enjoy their retirement years. It is the objectives of the Masonic Haven to provide adequate and comfortable housing, nursing care – including frail care - where required, housekeeping services to specific residents and catering services.
The Management team and Staff are actively involved in the provision of person centered care. The latter creates an environment for our residents that enhance cognitive, social, affect, sensory and motor abilities. This concept is regarded and utilized as the basis for long term care of the older person. Our care is directed towards the prevention of boredom, helplessness and loneliness.
The Masonic Haven is visited by a medical Doctor once a week and as needed for emergencies.
In addition to the abovementioned, entertainment, leisure time utilization, transport for shopping and medical visits, facilities to maintain contact with relatives, are also provided.
There are three basic types of accommodation at the Masonic Haven;
• Single or two bed roomed cottages in what is known as the Masonic Village.

• Single or two roomed flats in the Main Building or Residence. (Units can be rented or life rights can be purchased)

• Private rooms and wards in the Frail Care Unit.( Private rooms can be rented or Life Rights can be purchased.

Our Frail Care Unit comprises of 2-bed; 4-bed; and 6- bed wards as well as an 8-bed ward. 12 Private rooms is also available for semi-frail residents. A total of 56 frail residents can be accommodated and the Unit is suitable to care for Physically or mentally frail residents who are in need of constant supervision. All shifts are managed by a registered nurse.

Staff are constantly trained on the specific care to pasients suffering from Alzheimer and Parkinsons desease.


Ownership of the Masonic Haven is vested in the Masonic Haven Council which is also the Developer of the Masonic Haven. The members of the Masonic Haven Council do not receive any remuneration for their services to the Masonic Haven as they are all volunteers.
The Masonic Haven Council together with the Residents of the Masonic Haven forms the Management Association for the Masonic Haven. Annually during an Annual General Meeting of all Residents of the Masonic Haven persons are nominated and elected to serve on the Masonic Haven Council by the Residents. From amongst the members nominated and elected to serve on the Masonic Haven Council as well as the other members of the Management Association, an Executive Committee is elected to liaise with the Manager regarding the day to day management of the Masonic Haven. The members of the Executive Committee do not receive any remuneration for their services.
The Frail Care Unit manager manage all nursing services and care and our Resident's Facilitator and Coordinator is a registered professional nurse who manages recreational programs. Each shift at Frail Care is managed by a registered professional nurse.
Masonic Haven believes that our residents should live life to its full potential and we have friendly, caring and knowledgeable staff to take care of your loved ones entrusted to our care.
Masonic Haven for the Aged
54 Jukskei str
Die Wilgers
Die Wilgers
Email Address: Masonichaven@mweb.co.za
Please also visit the Masonic Haven Web Site
Telephone Numbers:
012 807 5192
012 807 5193
082 260 3033
082 260 3037
Fax: 012 807 2155