Most Excellent Grand Superintendent’s Annual Report EC

February 14, 2015

Excellent Companions, Companions all.

Welcome to the Twenty-Fifth Annual General Convocation of the District Grand Chapter of Zambia.

I am sure you are all aware that most of the points I wish to address will be dealt with in the Craft Meeting after this Chapter Convocation, but I will make a few comments relevant to the Holy Royal Arch Degree.

It is very important that each Chapter appoints a Royal Arch Representative who will, at every Lodge Meeting, give a short report on the activities of the Chapter, the future plans, and encourage Master Masons to join this beautiful and satisfying completion of the Master Mason’s Degree.   It is a crowning achievement which should be the aim of every Brother as soon as he is Initiated.   You will find that, in some cases, a Chapter will have to appoint more than one RA Representative, as it may have Brethren from different Craft Lodges as its Members.

The RA Representative is, to a certain extent, the Royal Arch Mentor. He must keep the Brethren in the Craft meetings fully aware of the importance of being a Royal Arch Mason. This means he must ensure that every Lodge Agenda has a separate item on it which reads: Report from the Royal Arch Representative. Please liaise with the WB Secretary of your Lodge and see this is carried out.

The Holy Royal Arch Ceremony is very different from the Craft ceremonies and I am sure Companions will enjoy it when they join.

This is a special occasion for those Companions who have received District Grand Rank today & I congratulate all.   I also extend my sincere congratulation to those who received Grand Rank earlier this year.   First appointment by: N Sothylingam & Nirmal Shaw.

I would like to thank each of you present for having made the effort of coming here today, and I wish you a safe journey to your respective homes.

I would also like to thank the Distinguished Companions from our Sister Constitutions for having taken the time out from their busy schedules in order to be with us today.

Excellent Companions, Companions, thank you.

Most Ex. Comp Jayant M Patel
15th February 2014