
Commissioned Office Bearers 2013 District Grand Lodge of Zambia (S.C.)

Bro. Frank McCully
Bro. Stewart D Lamb
Bro. Ian P Thurai Ratnam
Bro. Lindsay G Pearce
Bro. Douglas G A Ironside
Bro. Jagdish S Sharma
Right Worshipful District Grand Master
Worshipful Immediate Past District Grand Master
Worshipful Deputy District Grand Master
Worshipful Substitute District Grand Master
Worshipful District Grand Secretary
Worshipful District Grand Chaplain

Past District Grand Masters District
Grand Lodge of Zambia (S.C.)

Bro R H Cooper
Bro A C Annfield
Bro J Raath
Bro G Macrae
Bro J Sauls
Bro L G Mckillop
Bro G R W Jerrard
Bro D W Molver
Bro R B Anderson
Bro W Frew
Bro S.D. Lamb

Past District Grand Lodge of
Zambia (S.C.) Commissioned Office Bearers

Bro. G. H Payne
Bro. A. Foote
Deputy District Grand Master (2008-2013)
Substitute District Grand Master (1993-1996)

Past District Grand Lodge of
Zambia (S.C.) Senior Wardens (from 1990 onwards only)

Bro. W. J. Lanchberry
Bro. I. S. Mackillip
Bro. M. Evens
Bro. J. O’d Penny
Bro. P. P. Lennon
Bro. J. George
Bro. G. H. Payne
Bro. A Oza
Bro. J. Bones
Bro. P. Makamba
Bro. R. Panchal
Bro. M. Bhukhan
Bro. A. Luring
Bro. M Nigro
Bro. I. Milligan
Bro. I. P. Thurai Ratnam
Bro. P. F. Horn
Bro. J S Sharma
Bro. B. Thorley
Bro. G. Murray
Bro. S Trytsman
Bro. L. G. Pearce
Bro. C. W Fenton
Bro. M. R. Naidu
Bro. D. V. Godfree
Bro. R. Vishwanathan
Bro. R. Sabbadin
Bro. H. Devalia
1990 – 1991
1991 – 1992
1992 – 1993
1993 – 1994
1994 – 1995
1995 – 1996
1996 – 1997
1997 – 1998
1998 – 1999
1999 – 2000
2000 – 2001
2001 – 2002
2002 – 2003
2003 – 2004
2004 – 2005
2005 – 2006
2006 – 2007
2007 – 2008
2008 – 2009
2009 – 2010
2010 – 2011
2011 – 2012
2012 – 2013