How to become a Freemason

Freemasonry in Zambia is open to men of all walks of life, whatever race or religion, who believe in a Supreme Being by whichever name he is known to them.  Whilst Freemasonry is to be enjoyed, its objectives are serious and its members are ordinary individuals who share the following aims:

  • To practice universal charity
  • To foster high moral standards
  • To build friendships
  • To serve the community
  • To develop values such as integrity, respect, self-discipline, virtue and responsibility

After considering the above objectives and reading through the information on this website, if you are interested in becoming a Freemason we advise that you first talk to a family member, friend or colleague whom you already know to be a member. They will be able to further explain to you about Freemasonry and help you to take the first steps in finding a suitable Lodge.  If you do not know anyone at all who is a member, then please use the ‘Contact Us’ link within this site and we will happily assist you.

The proposal form requires a candidate for Freemasonry not to expect, anticipate or seek any preferment or financial benefit as a consequence of becoming a member. There should be no conflict between a candidate’s family, business or  professional interests and membership.  A candidate must not have a criminal record and there is a process for expulsion for members who commit a criminal act.