1394 Lodge Chingola SC

Lodge Chingola

Regular Meetings 4th Tuesday in January, March, May, September and November, I 4th Sat. July. To confirm Meeting date, contact the Secretary.
Right Worshipful Master: Bro A.K. Singh Worshipful Senior Warden: Bro. F.J. Price; Worshipful Junior Warden: Bro. J. Holt
All communication through the Secretary of the Lodge
Bro Barry Thorley
P.O. Box 10404, Chingola, Zambia,

Lodge Chingola, No. 1394, was consecrated in 1939.

At the first Meeting of the Lodge on 8th July 1939, there were 23 Members and 46 visitors in attendance . The Meetings took place in the Lodge Chingola Temple which is still in the same location, 2 Ghandi Road. At that first Meeting of the Lodge, the Charity collection amounted to £ 1 – 8/- (£ 1.40) not an inconsiderable sum in those days!

The original building was just the Lodge room with the present changing rooms, kitchen and refectory, being added in 1952 – 3.

During the first year there were 14 Meetings, including 2 emergency Meetings. There were two Candidates, the first was Initiated with the assistance of Lodge N’Kana.