1368 Lodge Lusaka SC

Lodge Lusaka

Regular Meetings every 2nd Tuesday in the Month
Right Worshipful Master: Bro Kwezi Atta Sakyi; Worshipful Senior Warden: Bro Graham Anderson; Worshipful Junior Warden: Bro Binod Menon
All communication through the Secretary of the Lodge: Bro. Douglas Ironside

The Consecration of Lodge Lusaka took place on Monday 9th March 1931 at the Gymkhana Club on the old golf course next to ‘Jock’s Lodge’ the Ceremony performed by Bro.David Ogilvie; District Grand Master of Rhodesia, with Bro Jock Macfadyean as the founding Master and whose Regalia remains on display within the Lodge.

In August 1931 it was proposed and agreed by the Lodge to build a Temple on the newly acquired Plot 33 Livingstone Road (now Chachacha Road) Lusaka with Bro. Macfadyean providing the bulk of the necessary financing, which was eventually repaid in July 1942.

During those ‘early days’ the Lodge struggled with both debt and few brethren, only managing to hold meetings by those more active driving and ‘rounding up’ whomever they could find.

The two columns either side of the Master’s Chair were donated by Bro.J.L.Roper in July 1932 and on 8th February 1935 the Heavy Maul, which was used by H.R.H.Wor.Bro. the Prince George when laying the Foundation Stone of the Secretariat of the new capital Lusaka in 1934, was presented to the Lodge by Bro.Storm. In December 1946 fifty chairs were purchased from Victoria Falls Lodge and in 1953 Bro.R.Rich presented the Lodge with the portrait of the late Brother the King George VI. In July 1976 Bro.Talmon gifted a beautifully covered Volume of the Sacred Law in Hebrew and English and in March 1984 Bro.Din presented a copy of the Koran; both are on display during Regular Lodge Meetings. In September 2001 Bro. A.Foote gifted our new Lodge Banner replacing the original which had by then lost some of its original luster.

During the 1950’s many proposals where made to build a new Lodge at different locations around Lusaka, and Minutes show that a Plot was purchased in Argyll Road (now Lubu Road) and that at the Regular Meeting on Friday 13th April 1956 a motion was passed to sell our Plot 33 Livingstone Road. During 1985 to 1987 discussions were held with the MOTH Club to purchase their plot on Lubu Road. However, notwithstanding these longstanding hopes of a move to a new Lodge Building we remain at our original location.

Until August 1960 Lodge Regular Meetings were held on Fridays with the Committee Meetings being on Tuesdays, since then both Regular and Committee Meetings have been held on Tuesdays, with the other four Lusaka based Lodges being allocated their own weekday.

The Lodge is well known for its support for Charity for both Masonic and Non-Masonic donations. Lodge Lusaka is the driving force behind the annual Masonic Charity Ball and Masonic Golf Tournament since 1962 and 1970 respectively.

“Half-Past-Ten” is a Toast to Absent Brethren, given by the Worshipful Senior Warden at that time on the Second Tuesday of each month and it is customary that those away from Lusaka also raise their glasses at that time and remember their Mother Lodge. During the years 1966 to 1979 “Half-Past-Ten” was also the title of our Lodge Newsletter designed to keep Absent Brethren in touch with the Lodge.

Two of our most prominent members have been:

Bro. Roy Welensky who became the Prime Minister of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland; Affiliating on 12th December 1941
and Bro.R.Rich who became the Mayor of Lusaka.

Probably our most memorable Meeting was that of 1st March 1960 held to welcome a visit by the Grand Master Mason Bro. The Earl of Eglington & Winton accompanied by the Grand Secretary Bro. Dr. Alex Buchan with the Right Worshipful District Grand Master of Northern Rhodesia Bro.R.H.Cooper in attendance together with every Scottish Freemason in the District totaling 190 in attendance.