Visitors to this site may have their own enquiries as to what Freemasonry is all about and wish to know more about Freemasonry in Zambia. There is a host of information on the WWW and it is not necessary to repeat in this introduction that which is freely available elsewhere, but please see our LINKS which may be of interest.

Freemasonry is effectively an organization which ‘makes men’ through participation in a series of plays or ritual dramas through which we learn a better understanding of ourselves leading to general improvement of character and moral fiber. Simply put, if you apply in your own life the teachings you encounter within our rituals as you progress through Freemasonry then “you will become a more responsible citizen, a more compassionate father, a more loving husband, a more dutiful son and a more complete man”. That’s Freemasonry.

It is of course a male organization. Our brethren enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie which they experience working together in the Lodge room; and then afterwards at the dinner which usually follows our meetings. Families are involved through social and other events organized by Lodges, individual brethren or by the District or Province. Families also benefit from the development of a brother’s character, which inevitably flows from his involvement in the Craft.

Freemasonry in Zambia was founded in 1924 by the formation of the first Lodge in Livingstone under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Since that time more Lodges were formed under the Scottish, Irish and English Constitutions totaling about 30-in-number throughout Zambia.

Each Lodge is an autonomous body run by its members headed by a Worshipful Master supported by various administrative and other officers. Lodge membership varies today from say, 10 to 30 or more; the number of meetings which a Lodge holds each year can likewise vary, but most meet at least once-a-month.

Once a man has been initiated into a Lodge he becomes a member of a worldwide fraternity, he can join Lodges in other areas subject of course to being proposed and seconded and will know that wherever he travels in the world there will be a Masonic presence, Lodges for him to visit and therefore instant friendship and fellowship.


If as a member of the public you would like to know more about our organization please Contact Us.