What is Involved?

Zambian Freemasons meet across our country mostly in Masonic Halls,but occasionally in hotels.

Lodge meetings are held regularly and on a regular evening each month,this unsurprisingly is referred to as the Regular Meeting of any particular Lodge.  Each Lodge will usually hold a further Committee Meeting each month, which like any organization attends to matters such as accounts, plans for forthcoming events and charity matters to be addressed and discussed amongst members.

The Regular Meeting of each Lodge is ceremonial and involve a series of formalized and symbolic presentations (similar to short plays) that use drama to highlight the codes of conduct by which a Freemason strives to live. The final part of the evening usually involves members sharing and enjoyable meal together. As an example, if a meeting starts at 6pm the ‘business’ part of the meeting would normally be concluded in time for a pre-dinner social drink and then being seated by 9pm to enjoy the ‘social’ side of the meal, winding up in most cases before 11pm.

In addition to the above, most Lodges organize regular social activities for families and friends, such as dinners, sports days, charity days etc. It is therefore important to identify whether a Lodge’s location and meeting days/times are convenient for you, so that you can commit to a regular attendance without impacting you family and/or work commitments.

You should also consider the financial commitment. As with all organizations, annual fees are expected of members but these are reasonably priced. There is also an expectation of contributions to charitable funds, dining fees etc – but
it is stressed that these are according to a member’s means. Again no one should undertake membership which may adversely affect his family, employment or any other non-Masonic commitments.

Membership of a Lodge, under the Constitutions of the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland, is open to all men of good character aged 21yrs or over who have been proposed by two members. The final decision rests with the members of the individual Lodge. A Freemason may join more than one Lodge and, once a member, may visit other Lodges – so a change of home or job should not necessarily cause difficulties. Lodges meet all over Zambia and indeed all over the world.

If you are interested in becoming a Freemason in Zambia and do not know anyone who can sponsor you, introductions can be made directly through this website using the ‘Contact Us’ page.