Little Assisi Centre And School For Children With Learning Disability

One of the most important Principles and Values of being a Freemason is Charity to those, who are most needy. Freemasons in Zambia raise funds not only among themselves to support charitable organisations and the needy, but regularly host fundraising events to encourage non-masons to contribute to help those among us in society, who are not as privileged and need our support the most.  The following are a few examples of where Masonic Charity has made a difference:

Little Assisi Centre And School For Children With Learning Disability

‘Little Assisi’ Centre, which is owned and managed by the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood Congregation has been able to improve and extend its facility thanks to the Brethren of the Lodge of Unity for their very generous donation last year which helped to complete the building of a small house behind the Centre for a live-in-housemother. The conversion of the room in the main building, which the housemother was occupying, will be used as an office so that some of the staff can be more involved in the running of the Centre and School, and in this way promote self reliance. The area around the Centre was also re-paved in order to make it safer for the children to play. The Centre started with 5 children in 2005 and now has 45 registered children, holding classes in the mornings and the afternoons in order to cope with numbers. The needs and conditions of the children are varied and these would include:

Cerebral Palsy, Down ’s syndrome, Autism, Hyperactivity, Epilepsy and Hearing and Speech Disorders to mention but a few, and at present the Centre is dependent on donations to care for these vulnerable children. The Centre provides special chairs, standing frames and walking frames for the children. The Centre is situated in Ng’ombe Compound, one of the poorer areas of Lusaka where 70% of the people are living below the poverty line. ‘Little Assisi’ is the only facility for children with Learning Disabilities and is funded entirely by donations.

The Aims of the Centre are to provide teaching in small groups and one to one to provide a happy, secure and stable environment for them and to help them reach their potential. To be a place where parents can come and receive advice and support. Help parent’s access physiotherapy. To network with other facilities for children with disabilities, referring them where necessary.

We are most grateful for your interest in our Centre and for any donations given to help these vulnerable children. Thank you and God bless you.