Poulett Lodge No 18


Contact Us

You may Email us , phone us or write us a letter !
All your inquiries welcome!

Email us from: Here
Post your mail to:
The Secretary, Wor .Bro.M.S. Burn
P.O. Box 274 Wynyard 7325

or Phone
Wor Bro. Mick Burn on: 64381248 Mob.0408 658 090


Whilst the Poulett Lodge and the Freemasons of Wynyard make every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information published on, served by and accessed via its Internet pages, the information contained therein should not be relied upon.

The Freemasons of Wynyard, its members and agents will not be responsible for any loss, however arising, from the use of, or reliance on any information provided in good faith.

Users should also note that our organisation does not endorse as to accuracy or content links on its Web pages to external Internet sites not published or maintained by it.

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The information you provide is treated with respect. The Freemasons of Wynyard adopt the National Privacy Principles in all its dealings with individuals in Australia. You may view this document by following our link to the Federal Privacy Commissioner's Web Site linked below.

Federal Privacy Commission


This web site was created by the Freemasons of Wynyard in Tasmania. The site was last updated on August 23rd 2015. Should you have any queries, comments or suggestions regarding the layout or the content of these web pages, please directed them to the secretary of our organisation via email. You are also directed to a disclaimer and a privacy statement in relation to this web site located here