Poulett Lodge No 18


Our Diary

Program of Events

Feature or Comments
6th August 2015 Wynyard Lodge Regular meeting An Emulation of the Second Degree
3rd September,2015
Wynyard Lodge
Regular meeting
An Address - M. Wor. Bro. P. Hodges
1st October, 2015
Wynyard Lodge
Regular meeting
An Address - Dr. Chris Hughes
5th November, 2015
Wynyard Lodge
Past Masters Night
Wor Bro L.P. Astell
3rd December, 2015
Wynyard Lodge
Christmas Function
Ladies & visitors welcome
7th January 2016
Wynyard Lodge
Regular Meeting
First Degree Tracing Board
February 4th, 2016
Wynyard Lodge
Regular Meeting
Emmulation of the Third Degree
3rd March, 2016
Wynyard Lodge
Regular Meeting
An Address
April, 2016
Wynyard Lodge
Annual Installation

This web site was created by the Freemasons of Wynyard in Tasmania. The site was last updated on July 30th 2015. Should you have any queries, comments or suggestions regarding the layout or the content of these web pages, please directed them to the secretary of our organisation via email. You are also directed to a disclaimer and a privacy statement in relation to this web site located here