Poulett Lodge No 18


History of Freemasonry in Wynyard

New Lodge at Wynyard, Tasmania !

In 1876 Bro. Hammond from Pacific Lodge became the first District Grand Master of the newly formed District Grand lodge of England followed by Bro. Poulett-Harris in 1881. In 1880 the Lodge joined as subscribers to the Lodge of Instruction. In 1887 the Lodge recommended the establishment of a new Lodge at Wynyard named 'Poulett' (No. 2204 E.C) after the District Grand Master.
In July 1890 the Lodge held its first meeting under the constitution of the newly formed Grand Lodge of Tasmania becoming No. 5 on the register.
Source: LincTasmanian


Below, a historical article copied from the Advocate Newspaper
published on Monday, April 4th 1932

Poulett Lodge, Wynyard.

At the Masonic Hall, Wynyard, on Saturday night the installation of Wor.Bro. J. H. Hamilton as W.M. of Poulett Lodge. No. 18 T.C., and the investiture of officers was carried out. by the P.D.G.M. (R.W. Bro. Ven. Archdeacon H.B. Atkinson), assisted by Coastal Grand Lodge officers.Following is a list of the officers for 1932-33:
W.M., Wor. Bro. J. B.Hamilton; I.P.M., Wor. Bro. E. T.Gregory; S.W., Bro. G. Byrne; .T.W.,Bro. J. S. Game; Secretary, Wor. Bro.R. L. Marsden; Treasurer, Wor. Bro.W. Evans; organist. Wor. Bro. Ct. N.Sargent; S.U., Bro. K. J. Wragg; J.D.,Bro. J. L. Wells; I.G., Bro. C. Dunham; Tyler, Bro. C. Foster; Director of Ceremonies, Wor. Bro. W. C. Dargaville; Stewards, Bros. C. Lord, J. H.Bourke, G. Newland, J. Butler and D.Thurstans.
The customary banquet was held at the conclusion of the ceremony

Source: The Trove (digitised newspapers)

Our work with Ibis Care in Wynyard

Members of Poulett Lodge (Wynyard) earlier this year made a submission for funding assistance for the local aged care facility (IBIS CARE) to the Masonic Board of Benevolence. The Lodge was successful in securing a grant of $6,000.00 to purchase a specialised aged care bed & electric lift chair to assist aged & infirm residents and to enrich their quality of life in the Ibis Care Unit. Wor Bro M.S. Burn (Wor Master-Poulett) together with members, Wor Bro C. G. Dixon, V. Wor. Bro R. L. Elphinstone, Wor. Bro. R. W. Walsh (Mayor of Wynyard), Rt. Wor Bro. D. J. Hyland and M. Wor Bro C. J. Wallace together with V. Wor Bro Knight (representing the Board of Benevolence) were hosted at Ibis by the CEO, Kaylene Sweeney and Director of Nursing, Karen at an afternoon tea recently where the cheque for $6000 was presented. CEO. Kaylene Sweeney thanked the Lodge for its assistance and spoke of the value of this specialised equipment in the care of the aged and infirm residents at Ibis Wynyard and the way residents daily lives were enriched by the benevolence of community organisations like Poulett Lodge and Tasmanian Freemasons.

This web site was created by the Freemasons of Wynyard in Tasmania. The site was last updated on September 21th 2013. Should you have any queries, comments or suggestions regarding the layout or the content of these web pages, please directed them to the secretary of our organisation via email. You are also directed to a disclaimer and a privacy statement in relation to this web site located here