Poulett Lodge No 18


Membership Principles

Your interest in Freemasonry is welcomed.

Whilst the exact nature of Freemasonry may be unknown to you it is important that you satisfy the following basic requirements for membership:a) Your decision to join is made without inducement by others, nor for personal gain or reasons of idle curiosity,
b) You believe in the Supreme Being,
c) You are a law-abiding person.

"To be recognised as an organisation of excellence for worthy men, regardless of race, creed or political persuasion - promotion tolerance, fellowship, personal development and community involvement. "Our objectives are achieved by careful selection of members in the first instance followed by progressive encouragement for them to conduct all their activities honorably and harmoniously. Their duties to their families and the community are emphasised and through symbolic teachings the merits of virtue, integrity and mutual respect are demonstrated. Freemasonry intrudes on neither politics nor religion and these topics are not discussed in Lodges. Freemasonry is not a benefit society. No person should join unless he is reasonably certain that he will never need help from its funds. Masonic Charity is intended only for those members who unexpectedly or unintentionally encounter misfortune and for members of the community who are less fortunate than ourselves. Your membership of a Lodge will involve you in financial obligations which you should be able to afford without adverse effect to yourself or those dependent on you. In addition to costs associated with joining, there will be an annual membership fee to your Lodge and further voluntary donations from time to time to Masonic Charities or for other purposes. The Lodge Secretary can give you details of these costs and fees which are not uniform in all Lodges.

We are confident that you will derive great satisfaction from your membership of one of the longest established and most honourable institutions in existence.

Here is a link to a reacent ABC TV show presented by Gerladine Doogue about the Freemasons.

If you would like more information about joining the Lodge or further information on anything concerning Poulett Masonic Lodge (Wynyard) or Freemasonry in general, please do not hesitate to contact Wor. Bro. Mick Burn via email using msburn47@bigpond.com or call in at the Lodge any Thursday between 10 am to 12 pm.

This web site was created by the Freemasons of Wynyard in Tasmania. The site was last updated on October 3rd 2014. Should you have any queries, comments or suggestions regarding the layout or the content of these web pages, please directed them to the secretary of our organisation via email. You are also directed to a disclaimer and a privacy statement in relation to this web site located here