Scottish Masonic Homes 

As a person living within one of the Scottish Masonic Homes you have the following rights -

  • To live in a home like atmosphere without fear and free from abuse from carers or others living in the Home.
  • To be treated with respect, your dignity preserved, with private space only entered by others with explicit permission and with reasonable share of public space for your use.
  • To have access to materials and support to enable you to spend your leisure time as you wish, to maintain established pursuits and to be introduced to new activities.
  • To move freely in the Home without fear of violence or harassment.
  • To engage in sexual activities and relationships which are wanted and understood.
  • To have support to make choices about your life.
  • To have your money, goods and possessions treated with respect.
  • To have the right to express your wishes and priorities and to be personally involved when plans are made for your care.
  • To be given appropriate information about keeping yourself safe and exercising your rights, including access to medical paramedical and nursing attention and advice.
  • To be accorded the same respect and support as any other person, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or ethnic background when making a complaint or seeking help.
  • To be provided with an advocate if this is required.
  • To be able to carry out your own financial, legal and other personal business at a time that suits you unless there are legal reasons for you not to do so.
  • To be able, if possible, to decide who should know about, and have access to, your personal business. To be able to keep and control your money and your personal belongings unless your individual circumstances mean that specific legal arrangements have been made.
  • To be free from recrimination if you make a complaint.

Revised April 2002