Freemasonry is not a secret society at all. Predating the Internet, information about Freemasonry has been available in libraries and bookshop and anyone with an interest in Freemasonry was able to purchase or borrow books containing plenty of information about the Brethren. In recent years, with the advent of the internet, Freemason’s Lodges have published websites and information which is available to the general public. Yes, we do have certain information which is not shared, just like any society or group might have; if you were to approach the Coca cola company, for example, and ask them for the formula for their drink, I am sure they would not share it; but this does not make them a secret company. In Freemasonry, there is the use of passwords and, yes, these are known to Masons only but that is about as secretive as Freemasonry as a society gets!