A brief history of Hiram Lodge, Prague

3. First Lodge Meeting

On 17 November 1909 the first lodge meeting took place at the rooms of the Amicitia club, in Nekazanka 7, in Prague 1.

Over 90 brethren attended, of which 36 were members and 54 guests. Guests came from lodge Schiller, Vienna/Pressburg, lodge Lessing, Vienna/Pressburg, Masonic club Munifitientia in Carlsbad, Masonic club Harmony Prague; lodge Fridrich August in Zittau Germany and others. Bro Leopold Pick was elected the first WM of Hiram.

The language of the lodge was German, but there were also 7 Czech speaking members. The aim of the lodge was also to be open for Czechs to join masonry and later to promote Czech-speaking lodges.

To commemorate the occasion, the Masonic club Harmony presented the WM Bro Pick with a silver hammer.