A brief history of Hiram Lodge, Prague

8. 1938 - And re-establishment

In late September 1938, immediately after the Munich agreement, all lodges in Czechoslovakia including Hiram voluntarily ceased their activities.

The records of what happened to Hiram Brethren during and after the war has yet to be properly researched. A large majority of the brethren were Jewish and their chances of survival after the horrors of the Second World War and the Holocaust was slim. Those who survived might have emigrated after the War to Israel or the United States. The non-Jewish German-speaking brethren were certainly forcibly expelled in 1945 from Czechoslovakia to Germany or Austria.

It is sad to see; that the great and mighty lodge Hiram with its wonderful community of true brethren came to such an end and the brethren split up in such a brutal manner.

The Lodge remained inactive during the appalling years of communism.

More than 60 years passed until internationally oriented masons in Prague re-established Hiram on 19 June 2004 as an English speaking lodge under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic. They thus paid tribute to the original founders of Hiram by promoting the Masonic fraternity across national borders, religions and races.