A brief history of Hiram Lodge, Prague

6. 1918 - 1938

During World War I, the lodge was not very active. Only infrequent, occasional informal meetings took place. When the independent Czechoslovak Republic was proclaimed in October 1918 it adopted a democratic constitution. So after 124 years it was once again legal to form a Masonic lodge in Prague. The WM of Hiram stated at a festive meeting on 28 May 1918, that it was an historic moment, that a ritual meeting in full Masonic regalia could take place in Prague again.

The Czech members of Hiram resigned and formed the first Czech speaking lodge Jan Amos Komensky in 1919 which became later one of the founding lodges of the National Grand Lodge of Czechoslovakia.

Hiram resigned from the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary and revived its activities completely in Prague and together with lodges from Karlovy Vary and Zatec formed in 1920 a new Grand Lodge Lessing at the three Rings.

The period 1920 -1934 was marked by a steady growth of membership. About 10 candidates per year were initiated; mostly 4 to 6 were initiated together. When the Silver Jubilee of the Lodge was celebrated in 1934 the Lodge membership was 134 brethren; 144 ordinary members, 2 honorary members and 26 frequent visitors. It was the largest lodge in the country.

The founding father and first Worshipful Master Leopold Pick was followed as WM by brethren: Berthold Thein, Artur Gotzel, Julius Katz, Otto Adler, Eugen Tauber, Hugo Wetheimer and Fritz Bondy.

In addition to being the founding lodge of the Grand Lodge Lessing, Hiram was also directly or indirectly involved in the establishing of the lodges: Jan Amos Komensky-Prague, Freilicht-Prague, Piette-Plzen, Zu den wahren vereinigten Freunden-Brno, Fides im Tale der Arbeit-Ostrava and Adoniram zur Welkugel in Prague.

In the course of time Brethren of Hiram held their meetings at many different places. In the days of Imperial Austria it was at restaurant Bigalsky in Jeruzalemská, Hotel Englisher Hof at Na Po?í?í 9, Hotel Blauer Stern at Na P?íkop? 34, Brewery Julius Reitler, Brewery in Št?pánská 40, Napoleon Room at the Central Station, at the Restaurant Black Horse at Na P?íkop? 28, and own premises at Goldenes Kreutzel at Nekazanka 7.

Between 1918 and 1930 a well-equipped lodge loom was used in the Old Town Square. This belonged to the lodge member Bro Schmolka. All Prague Lessing lodges, including Hiram moved in 1930 to their purpose build and furnished Masonic Hall in Trojanova, where they stayed until 1938.