The United Grand Lodge of England has released its latest short film to convey to people outside of the Craft exactly what Freemasonry is all about. Reported in ‘Freemasonry Today‘ as a film very different from anything else seen on Freemasonry before. Lee Cheney’s (a visual communication specialist)  brief was to demonstrate Freemasonry’s compatibility with a modern, balanced lifestyle – one that prioritises family and work over lodge meetings. To read more about the making of the ...

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  On 11th December, the Assistant Grand Master, RWBro. David Kenneth Williamson presided over the Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge for the first time. As he will retire as AGM in March, this was a unique occasion and the following message was sent to RWBro. Williamson on behalf of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay.   “@UGLE_DKW Sir, on behalf of DGM and the DGL of Bombay we congratulate you on presiding over UGLE this week and send our ...

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  The District Grand Master RWBro. Percy Driver accompanied by the President of the District Board of General Purposes, WBro. Michael Holland Past Dist.SGW, visited the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago in Kuala Lumpur between 5th and 8th December 2013. On 6th December they participated in the Inaugural Conference of the Asia Oceanic Districts of the United Grand Lodge of England. The Conference was officially opened by the Deputy Grand Master, RWBro. Jonathan Spence, after ...

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The Leslie Wilson Lodge No. 4880 EC is hosting this year’s District Half Yearly Communication on 21st September 2013 at Pune. Members may download the Registration form,  fill in the necessary information, scan and email it to: W.Bro. Devesh Hingorani  (         Registration Form All the necessary information along with charges etc. are provided for in the registration form. We request that you fill out the form and send it to W.Bro. Devesh Hingorani along with the payment towards the registration charge and the accommodation charges. Souvenir ...

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  Date added to website August 22nd 2013 The Summons for the Half Yearly Communication (September 2013) . In Pdf format click HERE to read the Summons (1-4 pages)

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