Members will be able to come to this page to read reports about the visitors to the site and what links and pages have proved to be popular. It is also possible to view what material is being searched for and this information assists the Editor towards material that may need to be added to the website. This information is taken from the Stats page in the dashboard of the site.

The latest report at the top of the list below.

10/08/15 To date there have been 31,923 visitors. Subscribers total 14. Most views land on the home page and still the interest appears to be on the pages titled ‘Lodges’ and ‘Officers’.

24 / 05/ 15 – Total number of views now at 28,526 Most links direct from search engine and from Twitter in the last 90 days. Now have 13 subscribers to the News as it is published direct to their mail boxes. Most interest is directed towards the Lodge and Officers pages.   

17/07/14 – Total number of views now 13,866.

03/03/14 – Total number of visitors now 8,679. Otherwise the stats page is unremarkable.

27/12/13 – Total number of visitors now 6,632. The last 30 days have been unremarkable, although the search terms now finding their way to the site have increased greatly. At the top of the search engine terms list is ‘charitable lodges in Mumbai’. The site has been referred from 3 times and there has been 1 twitter referral. No Facebook referrals in this period.

20/11/13 – The site has had a total of 5,151 visitors – with the greatest interest being shown to the Lodges/Officers/About pages. In the last 30 days 22 visitors have read the ‘How to become a Freemason‘ page. The best day for views was on the 6th Nov 2013 when there were 191 visitors. On average there are 20 visitors a day. Since adding the subscription element to the site inviting the opportunity to have posts delivered to email addresses there have been no uptakes.  Generally people are coming straight to the site via the sites address; others are putting in the search engine ‘Freemasons in Mumbai’. In the last 90 days there have been 34 visitors referred from Facebook and 5 from Twitter.


24/10/13 the site has had 4,474 visitors since its beginning.