Silvery Dawn Lodge

No. 7700 E.C.


Consecrated in 1960

Meeting Day / Month/ Inst. Mtg.
1st Thu. Except May, Oct  Feb
Meeting Venue: Freemasons’ Hall, Damodardas Sukhadwala Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400 001
Secretary: W.Bro. P. Venkatraman
Contact: 19A, Arunodaya, (Behind KES Secondary School), Sunder Nagar, Kalina,

Mumbai 400 098

+ 91 9821027556

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The Silvery Dawn Lodge started off as the Light of Asia Lodge in 1960. The consecration and Installation Meeting was held in Bombay on the 18th of April 1960. The Lodge was consecrated by the then Rt.W.D>G.M., Rt.W.Bro.Bhogilal Chimanlal Shah. W.Bro.R.B.Daruwala was installed as the first W.M. of the Lodge.

From 1st May 1975, the name of the Lodge was changed to the Silvery Dawn Lodge No.7700 E.C.. Interestingly the W.M at the time of change of name was W.Bro. Aspi Khambata

Why the change of name one may ask? The interesting anecdote behind this is that there was a hair cutting saloon by the Light of Asia. This acted as an irritant for the brethren of the Lodge and hence the name was changed to Silver Dawn Lodge No. 7700.
