Grand Master's Project


Grand Lodge of Arizona Ashlar Award

The Ashlar Award is a means of recognizing members who actively participate, and to encourage members to engage in programs, events and activities conducted or sponsored by their Lodge. All members of the Grand Lodge of Arizona are eligible to earn the Ashlar Award.

You will have ten months (June 5, 2015 to March 31, 2016) to complete the requirements and be eligible for the Ashlar Award. Enjoy the journey!

Section I: Attending the degrees will reinforce your knowledge of the symbols and lessons contained in each degree. Over the years each time you see or participate in a degree you will find more and more is revealed to you. As a Mentor, the Candidate Education Program will deepen your understanding of the details which are incorporated in each degree. Visiting other Lodges will begin to spread the Masonic bonds of Fellowship and Friendship which bind us all together as Brothers.

Section II: This section involves specific study in the parts of Masonry which hold particular interest to you. After learning more as we seek further knowledge in Masonry, it is only natural to want to share that knowledge with our peers and family. Attending a Grand Lodge Cornerstone Laying, Rededication, Reception, Communication, or other event allows us to continue to build the bonds which cement us all together. Donating your time is an outward and visible way of expressing your desire to improve your community.

Section III: In this section you share your knowledge and leadership skills to benefit others. You will find a great deal of satisfaction when you complete this program.

Every Brother who earns a minimum of 440 points and submits the application by April 1, 2016 will receive an “The Ashlar Award.” The Award recipients will be recognized at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Arizona.

Completion Date: All Applications received by the Grand Lodge must be postmarked no later April 1, 2016 to be eligible to receive the award in June, 2016. Send the completed form to: Grand Lodge of Arizona—2723 Northern Avenue—Phoenix, AZ 85021-6624.