785 Downpatrick Lodge IC


No history of Downpatrick Lodge No. 785 would be complete without first acknowledging our Sponsor Lodge, Downpatrick 369, from the Town of Downpatrick in Northern Ireland, which reputedly, is home to the burial place of St. Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland

Downpatrick 369 were the official sponsors of Downpatrick 785 in 1956, and some of our founder members and, first Worshipful Master were members of 369.

A Potted History of Lodge 369 (Abridged)

By Bro. A. Grant Smith


History of the Warrant

 (From Irish Masonic records compiled by Keith Cochrane.)

The warrant was first issued to brethren in Fintona, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, on the 6th August 1761. The Second series Vol. 2 of Grand Lodge Register Shows:- Warrant No. 369 to Fintona 6th August, 1761.

James Eccles; John Buchanan and John Buchannan Junior Being the first three names of 15 brethren registered 25th June, 1764:

Grand Lodge Minutes of 4th March 1784 notes: Some years ago Daniel Eiders returned Warrant No. 369 to Grand Lodge. This is now restored to John Buchanan, John West and John McCaul, all on payment of arrears.

Finally the warrant was compounded for arrears, on 7th April 1814 and cancelled, 7th July 1825.

Series three Vol. 8 of the extant Grand Lodge Registers shows:- Warrant No. 369 to Downpatrick, Oct, 1888.

John King Maconchy (86); George St. George Tyner (86) and Douglas Lithgow (367) registered, together with 18 others from various lodges, October, 1888.

Worshipful Master J. K. Maconchy, Senior Warden G. St. G. Tyner, Junior Warden D. Lithgow, Treasurer and Secretary J. S. Clarke.

The Memorial for this Lodge was presented by Bros. Lithgow and Roden Johnston of 367 and Dr O’Flagherty of 86 to ‘Seaforde’ Lodge No. 1009 and they, having been assured that the memorial did not arise out of any friction or antagonism among the Downpatrick brethren, Lodge No. 1009 was pleased to support the application to Grand Lodge.


The current Lodge was constituted by Col. Forde, Past Provincial Grand Master on Monday 15th October 1888 at 3:00 PM. In the rooms used by Lodge No. 86 and kindly loaned for the occasion.

The rooms were located in Bridge Street, Downpatrick and the foundation and initial members came from Lodges No. 86 and 367.

The names on the memorial for the Lodge were Bros. John Maconachy,

George J.G. Tyner and Douglas Lithgow and three others, and recommended by Lodges No. 86, 172, 113 1009 and by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master.

The first Worshipful Master was W. Bro. John King Maconchy a past master of Lodge No. 86, the first Senior Warden was W. Bro. George St. George Tyner and the first Junior Warden W. Bro. Douglas Lithgow.

The new Lodge was to meet at 4:00 PM on the first Monday of every Month and the Lodge Motto decided on was ‘Bear and Forbear’. The usual chest, seal and books were to be purchased. Bye-Laws were approved by Grand Lodge in December 1888. The following year, for convenience of members, the Lodge decided to change its meeting day to the second Friday of the Month at 3:00 pm. The purchase of a gavel was approved in May 1889 and at the April meeting, approval was granted to purchase 12 aprons. Regalia has been replaced since then approximately every 15 to 20 years.

Three and a half years after the Lodge opened in June of 1891 it was decided to change the meeting time to 7:00 PM. At that time the Lodge held 12 meetings per year. 1901 heralded more changes when the decision was taken to have different meeting times for summer and winter – 8:00 PM in summer and 7:30 PM in winter – this continued until 1905. In 1906 the Lodge started to take a summer break of 3 months usually June, July and August. This was regularised in 1923 with the changing of the Bye-Laws to show different summer and winter meeting times, also in those Bye-Laws, apologies in writing only to be accepted, also that a charity fee would be paid by WM on attaining that office, this is still paid by the Newly Installed Master at the present time. The bye-laws have been altered a number of times over the years the last being in 2004 to regularise the time of installation meeting and tidy up other anomalies to do with dues. The Lodge still meets on the second Friday of each month at 8:00 pm except in January when it meets at 7:00 pm for the installation.

Meeting Places

It would seem that a new hall was being discussed for some time since the extending of the facilities at Bridge Street was not possible, also the tenancy of the rooms was due for renewal and this could not be assured. Part of Bridge Street still exists but the part where the rooms were has been redeveloped. In November 1905 a fund was started to build a new hall, this was estimated to cost £2000, Lodge No. 367 was supportive but Lodge No. 86 was initially opposed to the costly move but was persuaded to join with the other Lodges in the venture. It was resolved that the new hall would be a joint ownership property consisting of three craft Lodges and Royal Arch Chapter No. 367. The building of the new hall was started in April 1907 and the cornerstone was laid on 21st May by Col. Sharman Crawford, the hall was dedicated at high noon on 16th January 1908 by Grand Lodge in a magnificent ceremony.

Mosaics in the main entrance halls are also worthy of note – one records the three Lodge numbers around the border and a square and compasses the in middle, also in the centre of the floor of the outer hall is depicted a Master Mason’s Apron, most people walk over the top of it before realising it is there.

One Other Item of interest seen on entering the Hall is the entrance door window.


Many functions were held to raise funding for the building of the new temple. Including a Grand Bazaar which lasted for three days and, in which, wives of the brethren actively participated, there were also concerts and dances organized to assist in the fundraising. Some members, by way of debentures (interest free loans) also assisted, the loans were redeemed over time. The debt remaining from the building programme tasked the thinking of local brethren for a number of years and took some time to clear. In May 1949, a lecture was given by Bro. R.E. Parkinson, a member of Lodge 200, to the Downpatrick Masonic Association on ‘Masonry in Downpatrick’ a booklet titled the same was produced to raise funds to help pay off the remaining debt for building the hall.

Downpatrick Masonic Association

The inaugural meeting of the Downpatrick Masonic association was held on 17th January 1898 and 23 members signed up, from the rules the objective was Masonic instruction, it met January to April – instruction was given by O’Flaherty- Clarke, Pooler and Wallace. Previously the practice had been for emergency meetings to be called by the reigning master for the purposes of instruction. In the 1899 session there were 33 members. In the 1900 session there were 32 members as well as some visitors from Killyleagh. It seems that in later sessions, talks were given by eminent masons on varying topics and visitors from other Lodges were present. In 1903 a report was given by brothers Breen and Parkinson on arrangements for a Lecture at the Masonic association by Bro. Redfern Kelly on a ‘Masonic Topic’. In 1919 a talk was given by Bro Redfern Kelly to the three Lodges who sat as one Lodge with officers being from all three lodges, Col. Wallace was the WM. The association continued to meet until 1907. There seems to have been a gap in meetings until September 1943, when it was reformed by a group of enthusiastic masons, it met on the fourth Monday of the Months October to March. The association seemed to meet some years and not others until 1950, when records cease; it has not met in the last ten years.

Families in the Lodge

James Clements the first of three generations of Clements was proposed and balloted for in 1901, initiated and raised in same Year he was WM in 1906. Sadly he died in September 1949, having seen the next generation initiated and through the chair. His son James William McDowell Clements was initiated in November 1930 and was WM in 1938, he was chairman of Down District Council in 1946 and was Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in 1953; he sadly died in October 1974 and did not see his son David Clements join the Lodge in April 1977. David was WM in 1983 and has served in a number of offices in the Lodge, he is currently a valued member. His father’s Jewel was recently returned to the lodge by a former Secretary and he now wears this with pride – a bar was put on it to signify his year in office. There have been other families in the Lodge from time to time, the two brothers G. Alexander J. Tombe and James Gordon Tombe who were Worshipful Masters in successive years 1958/9, father and son James Patterson Kirk and William J. Kirk our present secretary who was Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 2004.

Sister Lodges

In the early 1900’s a number of members of the Lodge seem have to been members of the police and military. As is often the case, some were sent on Foreign Service, where they fought in various conflicts around the world. They paid reduced fee’s during their enforced absence from home. A number of these brethren went to N. Rhodesia (Zambia) and they decided to form a Lodge under the Irish constitution, under the Provincial Grand Lodge of Rhodesia. The proposal was sent in November 1955 and the Lodge was to be called ‘ Downpatrick ‘ and numbered 785 on the registry of Grand Lodge of Ireland, it was formed on 9th June 1956 in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Rhodesia ( Zambia ) it still exists according to the directory to-day here at home. One of that Lodges foundation members and W. M. was also member of 369 – W. Bro. Edward Neville Isdell who had been initiated in Lodge No. 369 in January 1944 and was WM here in 1952.

Lodge No. 369 had a Volume of Sacred Law and Past Masters plaque made and presented to No. 785. Over the years there have been many visitors from 785 to 369 and we have passed and raised a number of their members at their request. In September 1956 W. Bro. E N Isdell visited again and in March 1957 he presented to No. 369 a Founders Jewel for Masonic Lodge No. 785 which resides on 369 WM collar to this day.

It is one of two known in Ireland the other is in Grand Lodge Museum and was presented to the then GM in September 1957 by W. Bro. E N Isdell, who remained a member of 369 until January 1968, when he resigned due to circumstances in Zambia. In September 1975 a Jewel was presented to W. Bro. Harris of No. 785 Lusaka – this Jewel had been proposed by W. Bro. J C Clements in November 1972, but sadly he never lived to see it presented. The last of many contacts over the years was in May 1990 when Wor. Bro. David McCabe visited 369 and subsequently by the current Wor. Master, Kevin Birch in October this year.

A tradition exists in 369 that, at our installation dinner in January, at 10:45 p.m. we toast absent brethren, this is coupled with a toast to our sister Lodge No. 785 in Lusaka, this tradition has been continued over the years to date.

Similarly, Downpatrick 785 propose a toast to 369 at the festive board at every regular meeting.

It is hoped to resume communications with Lodge 785 in the near future.


In 1938 the Lodge celebrated its golden jubilee and endowed the Immediate Past Master’s chair with a governorship of The Victoria Jubilee Annuity Fund. In 1988 the Lodge celebrated its Centenary with a church service and refreshments in the hall afterwards, the Museum was to be opened for all to see the collection of memorabilia and other Masonic artefacts, some of which are thought to have belonged to Col. Sharman-Crawford an avid collector of jewels, regalia from Irish and other constitutions and certificates of all types. The refreshment of tea, sandwiches and cakes after the service were served in the hall by the members and their wives. The service was conducted jointly by Rev J.R. Ferguson, V. W. Bro. Rev E. Kingston GOE and Lodge Chaplin Bro. Rev. R. Packer. The special Preacher was the Provincial Grand Lodge Chaplin V. W. Bro T C Burrows M.A.. The organist was Mr M. McCracken.


Over the years unlike in modern times it was not traditional to present the outgoing master with a jewel to mark his year in the chair although a few were presented to notable and hard working members in the past, but in 1966 the Lodge decided to present a jewel annually to the out going worshipful master and all previous surviving masters were also to get a jewel, three being presented every year retrospectively until all had received one. The present jewels and some past ones are usually engraved with recipients name and year. In the case when a jewel was returned to the Lodge from a deceased member’s family, the lodge usually decides to re-present it and a bar is attached with the new recipients details placed on the ribbon. This happened in November 1995 when the Family of the late W. Bro. Cargo returned to the Lodge his Past Masters Jewel along with two Antique teaspoons with Masonic Symbols. This Jewel was present to me, and I wear it with Pride.

The Museum

Col. Sharman-Crawford was installed Provincial Grand Master of Down on 24th Jan. 1906 and in January 1924 he instigated the setting up of a museum in the hall in Downpatrick, which now contains some of his regalia; all of his certificates bound along with other certificates, and many other items of interest which probably came from his private collection – these include Glass, Pottery and some early smoke seals and photographs. There are lots of other items of interest in the hall. In the reception area is an ornate mahogany clock by Gibson of Belfast. On the first floor landing is the banner of an old Lodge St Patrick’s No. 329, 1811 – 1843, this warrant has been reissued to a Lodge in Dublin. There are lots of material things to look at – even right there in the Lodge room, unusual for an Irish Lodge is the Keystone suspended on a large metal tripod by the Senior wardens chair, that the treasurer sits in the North East of the lodge room, the normal side, and the Secretary in the South East. There are also a number of drawings on the Lodge room walls of interest. For those of you who are in The Royal Arch, there are three old Principle officers’ cloaks on view in the museum.

A couple of interesting points from the Minute Books:-

In February 1902, a special Church Service was organised by the Lodges in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Downpatrick, to celebrate the Coronation of the Monarch. The service originally arranged was postponed because of the serious illness of his Majesty the King, and apart from the regret caused by the sad news in regard to his Majesty’s condition, an interesting, solemn, and impressive Masonic service was held instead.

During the years of the two World Wars meetings were still held – all that happened was that they started earlier. And a rule was introduced that the Master could close the Lodge instantly in case of an air raid this is still applicable to the present day. In those days they were a dedicated group of men and attempted to attend meetings what ever happened.

During the big snow and freeze in the winter of 1962/63, meetings still continued – despite the inclement weather and some roads in the area being impassable because of deep snow drifts and, in February, only 9 members attended – some from a considerable distance.

In the margin of the minutes of 13th September 1968 it was intimated to all present that Lodge Horizon No. 208, Downpatrick, of the Eastern Star, Order of Women Freemasons, was in existence and meeting in Downpatrick. This Lodge Warrant has since moved to Carrickfergus!


This paper has only scratched the surface of the information available in the minute books about this ‘New’ and ‘Johnny come lately’ lodge, which celebrated its 125 years of continuous working in 2013. A much fuller version containing information from the other lodges in the hall, will be published in Lodge No. 200 transactions for your delectation later.

Brethren this is a very short paper and I hope that I have covered most of the points to give you some of the flavour of our camaraderie here in Downpatrick 369.

History of Downpatrick Lodge No. 785

It is actually, not possible to draft an accurate early History of Downpatrick Lodge No. 785, as most of the Lodge records were lost as a result of a car theft some years ago.

Nevertheless, our origins are quite clearly established in the record of Downpatrick 369 – our Sponsor Lodge – to whom we owe our very existence and, to whom, we will be eternally grateful.

For the purpose of completeness and clarity, a brief synopsis of the involvement of Downpatrick 369 is reproduced hereunder, extracted from the foregoing history of 369 :-

“In the early 1900’s a number of members of Downpatrick 369 seem have to been members of the police and military. As is often the case, some were sent on Foreign Service, where they fought in various conflicts around the world. A number of these brethren went to N. Rhodesia (now Zambia) and they decided to form a Lodge under the Irish constitution, under the banner of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Rhodesia. The proposal was sent to Grand Lodge in November 1955 and the Lodge was to be called ‘ Downpatrick ‘ and numbered 785 on the registry of Grand Lodge of Ireland, it was formed on 9th June 1956 in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Rhodesia. One of that Lodges foundation members and first Wor. Master, was also member of 369 – W. Bro. Edward Neville Isdell, who had been initiated in Lodge No. 369 in January 1944 and was WM of 369 in 1952.

Lodge No. 369 had a Volume of Sacred Law and Past Masters plaque made and presented to No. 785. Over the years there have been many visitors from 785 to 369 and they have passed and raised a number of our members at our request. In March 1957 Wor Bro Isdell presented to Downpatrick 369, a Founders Jewel for Masonic Lodge No. 785, which resides on 369’s WM collar to this day.

In September 1975 a Jewel was presented to Wor. Bro. Harris of No. 785 Lusaka. This Jewel had been proposed by W. Bro. J C Clements in November 1972 but sadly he never lived to see it presented.

The most recent of many contacts over the years was in May 1990 when Wor. Bro. David McCabe visited 369 and subsequently by the current Wor. Master, Kevin Birch in October this year.

A tradition exists in 369 that, at their installation dinner in January, at 10:45 p.m. they toast absent brethren, this is coupled with a toast to their sister Lodge No. 785 in Lusaka, this tradition has been continued over the years to date.

Similarly, Downpatrick 785 propose a toast to 369 at the festive board at every meeting.”

The only historical document still in our possession is the record of Lodge Members and Officers, dating back to 1956, which has been used to reproduce the list of Founding Members and Senior Officers in the Lodge outlined overleaf.

Founding Members of Downpatrick Lodge No. 785

9th June, 1956

The Founding Members of Downpatrick Lodge No. 785 were thirty five in number, drawn from the membership of existing lodges in Zambia, operating under the jurisdiction of the Irish, English and Scottish Constitutions.

Wor. Bro. Edward Neville Isdell, P.M. 369 I.C.
Wor. Bro. Bro. Thomas Little, P.M. 764 I.C.
Wor. Bro. Reginald Roy Webb, P.M. 4820 E.C.
Wor. Bro. Herman Lyall Reinders , P.M. 720 I.C. and 5327 E.C.
Wor. Bro. Harold Martin Adams, P.M. 5327 and 7072 E.C.
Wor. Bro. Frank Ward, P.M. 764 I.C.
Wor. Bro. John Carson Hannah, P.M. 764 I.C.
Bro. Gerhard Landmark 344 and 361, I.C., 3492 E.C.
Bro. William Charles Burke Harrison, 33 I.C.
Bro. Thomas Frederick Parker, 1368 S.C.
Bro. Eric Hildred Norman Warrington, 887 E.C.
Bro. Ivan Reginald Montgomery, 1347 and 1368 S.C.
Bro. William Joseph Johnstone, 1368 S.C.
Bro. Robert George Edward Gregory, 116 and 429 I.C.
Bro. Samuel James McMurray, 696 and 203 I.C.,
Bro. John Keyworth, 720 I.C., 4820 E.C.
Bro. Richard Cecil Hewitt, 369 I.C.
Bro. Anderes Trygue Eugen Brodahl, 1368 S.C.
Bro. William Henry Hannah, 2587 E.C.
Bro. Eric David Jacobs, 370 I.C.
Bro. Angus Watts, 1368 S.C.
Bro. William George Welsh, 3221 E.C.
Bro. Charles Webster McGaghey, 370 I.C.
Bro. Duncan Herbert Sandiford, 709 I.C.
Bro. Ralph Murrel Rich, 1368 S.C., 7232 E.C.
Bro. Wulfred Solomon Wulfsohn, 1321, 1480, and 1368 S.C.
Bro. Jones Charles Cartmill, 591 I.C.
Bro. William Turkington, 3235 E.C.
Bro. Alfred Davis, 525 I.C.
Bro. Edwin Jones,1022 E.C.
Bro. Rhoderick John Macfadyean, 1368 S.C.
Bro. William Leslie Rhoades, 851 S.C.
Bro. George William Hobbs, 631 I.C.
Bro. Percival Clements, 5582 E.C.
Bro. Donald McLean, 1368 S.C.

Downpatrick is, by far, the strongest Lodge operating under the banner of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Zambia – Irish Constitution, and does not suffer from dwindling membership, to the same extent as our Sister Lodges on the Copperbelt. Our membership currently stands at 26, with some 20 active members and an average attendance at regular meetings of 15.

Downpatrick actively participate in the activities of the Masonc Fraternity in Lusaka and are represented on the operating Committees of the Masonic Club and the Masonic Charity Fund (South).

The Lodge actively encourages the participation of our Ladies and regularly arranges social functions to which the Ladies are invited.

With the kind permission of Grand Lodge of Ireland, Downpatrick Brethren actually operate two lodges in parallel – i.e. Downpatrick No. 785 and Cashel Lodge No. 863, with the same officers taking responsibility for both Lodges. Lodge meetings are held on the first Friday of every month, except January, (annual recess), and July, when the meeting date is given over to Royal Arch. The Lodge meetings alternate monthly between Downpatrick and Cashel. Installation meetings are held on the third Saturday in October for Downpatrick and the first Friday in November for Cashel.

Cashel Lodge was originally domiciled in Luanshya but, as with the English and Scottish Lodges, due to declining membership, the brethren of Luanshya were forced to close the Lodge in 199? and the Warrant was transferred to Lusaka. Four brethren from the original Cashel Membership have affiliated to Cashel in Lusaka. It is to be hoped that, in time, Masonic interest in Luanshya can be revived and the warrant returned to where it rightly belongs.

Downpatrick Lodge have recently formed an association with brethren of the Grand Lodge of Slovenia and several of our brethren have visited Slovenia in recent years. As a result of this association, Downpatrick were honoured to host an official visit of the Grand Lodge of Slovenia over a two week period at the end of October 2014. Furthermore, it is Downpatrick’s intention, together with the Provincial Grand Lodge of Zambia to visit Slovenia next year, as part of a trip to Grand Lodge of Ireland and our sponsor lodge, Downpatrick 369.

We are constantly hopeful that Downpatrick and Cashel Lodges can continue to attract suitable candidates, in order that the Craft can continue to thrive in Lusaka.

Hon Past Grand Lodge Officers in Downpatrick Lodge No. 785

Rt. Wor. Bro. David J. McCabe Provincial Grand Master
V. Wor. Bro. Dusan Kermavner Past Grand Steward
V. Wor. Bro. Simon D. Burgess Past Grand Sword Bearer
V. Wor. Bro. Peter Mostert Past Grand Sword Bearer

Past Provincial Grand Masters from Downpatrick Lodge No. 785

Rt. Wor. Bro. K. John Adams Provincial Grand Master
Rt. Wor. Bro. Eric H. Wightman Provincial Deputy Grand Master
Rt. Wor. Bro. Edwin Florence Provincial Grand Master

Provincial Grand Lodge Officers in Downpatrick Lodge No. 785

Rt. Wor. Bro. David J. McCabe Provincial Grand Master
V. Wor. Bro. Peter Wells Provincial Senior Grand Warden
V. Wor. Bro. Dusan Kermavner Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden
V.Wor. Bro Arun Mittal Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden
V Wor. Bro. Humphrey Ndhlovu Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden
V. Wor. Bro. Laurence Griffioen Provincial Junior Grand Warden
V. Wor. Bro. Simon D. Burgess Provincial Grand Secretary
V. Wor. Bro. Peter Mostert Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
Wor Bro. A.J. Desai Provincial Junior Grand Deacon
Wor. Bro. Don Zyambo Provincial Grand
Wor. Bro. John Liva Provincial Grand Sword Bearer
Wor. Bro. Larry Franklin Provincial Grand Lodge Standard Bearer
Wor. Bro. Gerry Lintini Provincial Grand Master’s Standard Bearer
Wor. Bro. Ashok Varjangbay Hon. Provincial Grand Junior Deacon
Wor. Bro. Kevin Birch Provincial Grand Inner Guard

Past MAsters Jewel


Senior Officers in Downpatrick Lodge No. 785 (1956 to 2014)

1956 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Neville Isdell
Senior Warden Bro. Gerhard Landmark
Junior Warden Bro. Charles McGeaghey
1957 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Gerhard Landmark
Senior Warden Bro. Robert Gregory
Junior Warden Bro. Samuel. McMurray
1958 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Duncan Sandiford
Senior Warden Bro. Alfred Davis
Junior Warden Bro. William Rhoades
1959 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Alfred Davis
Senior Warden Bro. Ralph Rich
Junior Warden Bro. William Turkington
1960 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Ralph Rich
Senior Warden Bro. William Turkington
Junior Warden Bro. Francis Cooper
1961 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. W. Turkington
Senior Warden Bro.Francis Cooper
Junior Warden Bro. Thomas Denard
1962 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Thomas Denard
Senior Warden Bro. William Creed
Junior Warden Bro. Johnston
1963 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. William Creed
Senior Warden Bro. William Johnston
Junior Warden Bro. Branch
1964 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. William Johnston
Senior Warden Bro. George Branch
Junior Warden Bro. Walker
1965 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. George Branch
Senior Warden Bro. Desmond Walker
Junior Warden Bro. Robert Els
1966 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Robert Els
Senior Warden Bro. Wulfred Wulfsohn
Junior Warden Bro. William Harris
1967 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. William Harris
Senior Warden Bro. Wulfred Wulfsohn
Junior Warden Bro. Ernest Leslie-Jones
1968 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Ernest Leslie-Jones
Senior Warden Bro. John Adams
Junior Warden Bro. Edwin Florence
1969 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. John Adams
Senior Warden Bro. Edwin Florence
Junior Warden Bro. Nathan Folk
1970 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Edwin Florence
Senior Warden Bro. Nathan Folk
Junior Warden Bro. Richardson
1971 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Nathan Folk
Senior Warden Bro. Cyril Richardson
Junior Warden Bro. Aldinyn Smaller
1972 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Cyril Richardsion
Senior Warden Bro. Aldinyn Smaller
Junior Warden Bro. Harold Murtagh
1973 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Aldinyn Smaller
Senior Warden Bro. Harold Murtagh
Junior Warden Bro. William Lindop
1974 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Harold Murtagh
Senior Warden Bro. William Lindop
Junior Warden Bro. Ifor Davies
1975 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. William Lindop
Senior Warden Bro. Ifor Davies
Junior Warden Bro. Barrie Watchorn
1976 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Ifor Davies
Senior Warden Bro. Barrie Watchorn
Junior Warden Bro. Thomas Rankin
1977 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Barrie Watchorn
Senior Warden Bro. Thomas Rankin
Junior Warden Bro. Ian Morrison
1978 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Ian Morrison
Senior Warden Bro. Robert Baptie
Junior Warden Bro. John Patterson
1979 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Robert Baptie
Senior Warden Bro. Alfred Rodley
Junior Warden Bro. Craig Lennie
1980 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Alfred Rodley
Senior Warden Bro. Frank Tillotson
Junior Warden Bro. Laurence Neill
1981 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Laurence Neill
Senior Warden Bro. Norman Chapman
Junior Warden Bro. Ray Connolly
1982 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Norman Chapman
Senior Warden Bro. Ray Connolly
Junior Warden Bro. Eric Wightman
1983 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Eric Wightman
Senior Warden Bro. Hugh Menadue
Junior Warden Bro. Dave Sabarwal
1984 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Hugh Menadue
Senior Warden Bro. Dave Sabarwal
Junior Warden Bro. Solly Patel
1985 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Dave Sabarwal
Senior Warden Bro. Solly Patel
Junior Warden Bro. Anthony Simmons
1986 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Solly Patel
Senior Warden Bro. Maurice Brown
Junior Warden Bro. Afzal Ansary
1987 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Solly Patel
Senior Warden Bro. Afzal Ansary
Junior Warden Bro. David McCabe
1988 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Eric Wightman
Senior Warden Bro. David McCabe
Junior Warden Bro. Kostas Raftopoulos
1989 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. David McCabe
Senior Warden Bro. Kostas Raftopoulos
Junior Warden Bro. Astorre Pasi
1990 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Kostas Raftopoulos
Senior Warden Bro. Astorre Pasi
Junior Warden Bro. John Tommasini
1991 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Astorre Pasi
Senior Warden Bro. John Tommasini
Junior Warden Bro. Ken Brooks
1992 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. John Tommasini
Senior Warden Bro. Arun Mittal
Junior Warden Bro. Dusan Kermavner
1993 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Arun Mittal
Senior Warden Bro. Dusan Kermavner
Junior Warden Bro. Andrew Shawa
1994 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Dusan Kermavner
Senior Warden Bro. Andrew Shawa
Junior Warden Bro. John Kerry
1995 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Andrew Shawa
Senior Warden Bro. John Kerry
Junior Warden Bro. John van Schalkwyk
1996 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. John Kerry
Senior Warden Bro. John van Schalkwyk
Junior Warden Bro. Tyson Chisambo
1997 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. John van Schalkwyk
Senior Warden Bro. Tyson Chisambo
Junior Warden Bro. John Liva
1998 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Tyson Chisambo
Senior Warden Wor. Bro. Andrew Shawa
Junior Warden Bro. John Frame
1999 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Tyson Chisambo
Senior Warden Bro. Dusan Kermavner
Junior Warden Bro. Peter Mostert
2000 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. John Kerry
Senior Warden Bro. Peter Mostert
Junior Warden Bro. Simon Burgess
2001 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Peter Mostert
Senior Warden Bro. Simon Burgess
Junior Warden Bro. Humphrey Ndhlovu
2002 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Simon Burgess
Senior Warden Bro. Humphrey Ndhlovu
Junior Warden Bro. Don Zyambo
2003 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Humphrey Ndhlovu
Senior Warden Bro. Don Zyambo
Junior Warden Bro. Laurens Griffioen
2004 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Don Zyambo
Senior Warden Bro. Laurens Griffioen
Junior Warden Bro. Alpesh Desai
2005 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Laurence Griffioen
Senior Warden Bro. Alpesh Desai
Junior Warden Bro. John Liva
2006 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Alpesh Desai
Senior Warden Wor. Bro. Peter Wells
Junior Warden Wor. Bro. Dusan Kermavner
2007 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Peter Wells
Senior Warden Rt Wor.Bro. Eric Wightman
Junior Warden Wor. Bro. John van Schalkwyk
2008 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Peter Mostert
Senior Warden Wor. Bro. John van Schalkwyk
Junior Warden Bro. Josef Breza
2009 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. John Liva
Senior Warden Bro. Joseph Breza
Junior Warden Bro. Gerry Lintini
2010 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. John Liva
Senior Warden Bro. Gerry Lintini
Junior Warden Bro. Ashok Varjangbay
2011 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Gerry Lintini
Senior Warden Bro. Ashok Varjangbay
Junior Warden Bro. Kevin Birch
2012 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Ashok Varjangbay
Senior Warden Bro. Kevin Birch
Junior Warden Wor. Bro. Simon Burgess
2013 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Kevin Birch
Senior Warden Wor. Bro. Peter Mostert
Junior Warden Bro. Chubby Charalambous
2014 Wor. Master Wor. Bro. Kevin Birch
Senior Warden Bro. Chubby Charalambous
Junior Warden Bro. Marios Hadjiloizou