805 Failte Lodge IC

The Lodge was Consecrated on 22nd November 1958.  At the Consecration Meeting there were 138 Brethren in attendance and indeed the Lodge room must have been very crowded.  The presiding Officer being Rt. Wor, Bro. J.H. Mitchell Provincial Grand Master.

Unfortunately there are no minutes available of any meetings called to consider the Consecration of the new Irish Lodge in Kitwe.  It should also be noted that there is also no copy of the summons in the Lodge records of this auspicious occasion.

From the minutes of the Meeting, the Consecration commenced at 16.30 hrs. and concluded at 18.30 hrs.  A comparatively short Meeting for both Consecration and Installation of the first Master and Officers of the new Lodge.  The first Master being Wor. Bro. J. E. Johnston.  The new Wor. Master proceeded to invest his Officers with the exception of the J.W. who was not present.  The only mention of Grand Lodge was a letter of congratulations.

At this Meeting, the first Candidate, a Mr. John James Sant was proposed.

At the second Meeting of the Lodge, the Consecration Meeting being Minuted as the first Meeting, a set of mauls were presented to the Lodge from Pioneer Lodge, 764, Chingola.
A comment from the Lodge Secretary stating that he was still awaiting a response from Toye Kenning regarding Lodge Regalia.  There is no further comment in any Minutes with this regard and it must be assumed that Toye Kenning “came through” and supplied the items as requested.  At this Meeting the second Candidate, Mr. George Hansen Murdoch Scott and Mr. Roy Oliver Jennings were proposed as Members and a Committee of Enquiry was formed for both of these two Candidates and the Candidate proposed at the Consecration Meeting.  All three Committees of Enquiry being formed by different Lodge Members.

The first record of Lodge finances are a report from the Lodge Treasurer that the Lodge was in credit to the sum of UKL 605.  Quite a considerable sum in those days.  At this Meeting, the third, a Mr. Alexander Robinson was Initiated into the Lodge.  There is no mention in the Lodge Minutes of this gentleman prior to his Initiation.  At this Meeting a VSL was presented to the Lodge by the Wor. Master of Pioneer Lodge and Bro Guldie was welcomed back from leave and invested as J.W.

During the next several years the Lodge increased in Membership with new Candidates Joining, as well as several Members requesting permanent Leave of Absence, presumably due to their departure from Zambia.

At the fifth Meting in March, a letter from the Provincial Grand Master was read concerning “printed Rituals” and stating that no further Rituals be issued to any Lodge Member.