Archive for year: 2015
A Grand Lodge of South Africa Mason makes his mark in Africa
/1 Comment/in News, Southern Division /by Grand LodgeWor. Brother Michael Watkins (Past Grand Ambassador) lives in Kampala and has for many years administered our Masonic Education Documents by answering requests for Masonic educational articles and forwarding them to Masons and the Profane.
Requests for information from Masons North of South Africa are always directed to the relevant authority.
Now in his 25th year as a Mason he will, in May 2016, be installed as WM of Lodge Light of Africa; 93032 UGLE.
Also, he has been awarded the Rank of Past District Senior Grand Warden of East Africa. This covers the entire area of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Seychelles.
We are proud of him and congratulate Wor Bro Watkins on achieving this great honour.

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