Best Practice Awards
The British Precast Innovation award scheme rewards excellence within the British Precast membership, and promotes and encourages innovation in the industry.
The winner of the 2015 British Precast Innovation Award was Havsco for the Hand/Arm Vibration Monitor.
Current instrumentation for measuring Personal Exposure Levels of Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) requires the sensor to be mounted on an adapter or directly on a vibrating tool, with the power and output signal transmitted to the data collection device via a cable. HAVSco’s HAVSense integrates a sensor and a miniature data
logger into a simple device with no cables that fits under the operative’s glove. HAVSense technology directly measures the individual’s HAV dosage throughout the work period.
For more information on the shortlisted entries for this award download our Annual Review.
Innovation Award Sponsored by Chryso UK

Health and Safety
This award provides a mechanism for companies and the wider sector to celebrate the positive influence and impact that individuals and teams have made to create safer and healthier workplaces.
The winner of the 2015 British Precast Health and Safety Award was Aggregate Industries for Load Security.
This was a partnership project that addressed a long-standing high risk issue which effects both worker and public safety. Two guides – Voided Loads and Non-Voided Loads were produced and launched. All haulage
companies and drivers have to be audited and trained drivers are awarded a Passport before being able to work on AI sites. Risks to road users have thus been reduced based on effective partnership working.
For more information on the shortlisted entries for this award download our Annual Review.
Precast concrete products are used for a wide range of applications in our built environment. This award showcases projects that deliver on aesthetics, functionality, innovation, workmanship, cost-effectiveness and demonstrates the inherent benefits and properties of precast concrete.
The winner of the 2015 British Precast Project Award was Thorp Precast for Admiral Headquarters.
Thorp Precast designed, manufactured, supplied and erected white Portland architectural precast concrete cladding featuring slightly exposed natural limestone aggregates for 11 storey building. 3D modelling played a vital part to ensure co-ordination between fixings in the structural frame and cast in items in the cladding, and for sequencing specific site activities during the work period.
For more information on the shortlisted entries for this award download our Annual Review.
Project Award Sponsored by UK CARES

This award rewards excellence within the British Precast membership and publicises the progress of the industry towards sustainability.
The theme for each submission is sustainability. The broad scope of sustainability covers environmental, social and economic issues.
The winner of the 2015 British Precast Sustainability Award was H+H for Energy Management - System and Reduction.
H+H developed a formal energy management system, becoming one of the first to be certified to EN 16001, following certification to ISO 50001. H+H developed a range of policies and procedures to manage energy consumption and developed Environment & Energy Improvement Teams at each site to drive change. H+H supported the teams with £1.1M capital investment on energy reduction related projects, leading to 20% reduction in energy usage per m3 of product in 2014 from 2009 levels.
For more information on the shortlisted entries for this award download our Annual Review.
Sustainability Award Sponsored by GCP