On the 16th October 2013 Supreme Grand Chapter of England celebrated its Bi-centenary with a Quarterly Communication meeting held at Freemasons’ Hall in London which was presided over by the First Grand Principal HRH The Duke of Kent and followed by a banquet at the Savoy Hotel.
Earlier in the day, a meeting of Metropolitan Grand Stewards’ Chapter demonstrated the revised working of the Exaltation Ceremony which was followed by a lunch in the Grand Connaught Rooms.
The District Grand Chapter of Bombay was represented at both the Metroplitan Grand Stewards’ Convocation and the Quarterly Convocation by ME Grand Superintendent, E. Companion Percy Driver, Third District Grand Principal, E. Companion Pichumani Venkatramen and E. Companion Michael Holland. Past District GSN and MEZ of St. George Chapter No.549.
During the pre banquet reception the First Grand Principal met with all visiting Grand Superintendents and spent some time talking with E. Companion Driver.
The photos below show were taken at Freemason’s Hall prior to the Convocations and at the Savoy Hotel during the banquet.

ME Grand Supt. P. Driver with 1st Grand Principal HRH The Duke of Kent
Image by Chris Allerton

L-R E. Comps P.Venkatramen, P. Driver, ME Grand Supt. & M Holland

Banquet at Savoy Hotel

Table Setting at the Savoy Hotel