Officers of the District Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter of Bombay have been honoured at the recent Annual Investitures of the United Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter of England.
At the Investiture Meeting of United Grand Lodge held on 30th April 2014, W. Bro. Suresh Dixit, Assistant District Grand Master and W. Bro. Michael Holland, President, District Board of General Purposes, both received their first appointments to Grand Rank from the Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent.
At the Investiture Meeting of Supreme Grand Chapter the following day, E. Companion Pichumani Venkatramen, Third District Grand Principal received a Promotion to Past Grand Standard Bearer and E. Companion Michael Holland received a first appointment to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies from the Pro First Grand Principal, M.E. Companion Peter Geoffrey Lowndes.
Prior to the Grand Lodge Investiture, our Brethren enjoyed the company at lunch of the Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire, RW Brother Reverend David Bowen. Also after the Supreme Grand Chapter Investiture, our Companions were seated with and hosted by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire, Sir David Trippier, along with other distinguished members of his Province.
- Chapter Lunch
- East Lancs Table
- Off to UGLE
- PGM of Herefordshire