grey box film_edited-2On the 7th December 2014, W Bro. Cowas Bajan and Mrs Farah Soonawalla hosted a party at the family home in Jabalpur to celebrate the 80th Birthday of their father, RW Bro. Dorab Bajan, our Immediate Past District Grand Master.

Guests from all over India and abroad were privileged to attend and pay tribute to RW Bro. Dorab (Dolly) for his loving support of his family and his significant contribution to his community and freemasonry.  As a token of appreciation from his Mother Lodge, Alexandra No. 1065, the Brethren presented Dolly with a beautiful plaque to commemorate the occasion.

  The pictures below capture the joyous event and wonderful time had by all.       IMG_20141207_155414   IMG_20141207_161632   IMG_20141207_163030   IMG_20141207_163413   Dolly 80th.jpg