Nagpur 4th DecemberThe District Grand Master, RWBro. Percy Driver visited Nagpur on 4th December 2014 where he attended a joint meeting of the English Constitution Lodges. He was accompanied by WBro. Anil Malhotra, District Senior Grand Warden, WBro. Michael Holland, PAGDC, President, District Board of General Purposes, WBro. Sunil Pandit, District Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro. Tehmton Toorkey, Past District Grand Sword Bearer, WBro. Rummy Khan, District Assistant Grand Secretary as well as two visiting Officers from the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire, in the persons of WBro. Paul Waring, Provincial Grand Sword Bearer and WBro. John Styles, Provincial Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works.

After the Lodge meeting was closed, ladies and guests were invited into the Lodge Room where the Worshipful Master of Corinth Lodge No. 1122 presented a cheque for RS. 50,000 towards a kidney transplant operation for a 10 year old local boy whose mother was to be the kidney donor. On learning that there was still a shortfall of funds for the operation, RWBro. Driver immediately matched the donation with a further contribution of Rs. 50,000 from the District Grand Lodge.


The evening was concluded with everyone enjoying a buffet meal and refreshments, courtesy of the Nagpur Brethren.

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