On 11th July 2015, The RW District Grand Master / ME Grand Superintendent led Deputations from our District to the Annual Communication and Convocation of the District Grand Lodge and District Grand Chapter of Bengal. The pictures below show the Deputations prior to entering the meetings and with the RW District Grand Masters for Bengal and for Northern India.

DGC of Bombay Deputation, ; L-R EComp. Devesh Hingorani DistGDC; E.Comp. Rummy Khan, DistGSE, E.Comp. Suresh Dixit, PAGDC; E.Comp. Percy Driver, MEGS; E.Comp. Pichumani Venkatramen, Dist2ndGP; E.Comp Cyril Shriff.

DGL of Bombay Deputation, ; L-R WBro. Devesh Hingorani, DistGDC; WBro. Pichumani Venkatramen, DepPGM; RWBro. Percy Driver, DGM; WBro. Suresh Dixit, AsstDGM; WBro. Rummy Khan, DistGSec; WBro. Cyril Shriff, PDistGStdBr

RWBro. Percy Driver and his Deputation along with RWBro. Krupakaran David, DGM for Bengal (centre left )and RWBro. Vishwanathan Nagarajan, DGM for Northern India. (centre right)